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Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Good, interesting film I BELIEVE IT
on September 28, 2009
from home
I did not think I was going to like the film. Had NO Interest in it when released.
Being from the United States I have NO interest in the British Royal Family, Princess Diana, any of them.
I watched the film 1 day & did enjoy it.
Helen did deserve the Oscar for the role. Only other film of hers I had ever seen was I was 1st in the door opening day for "The Mosquito Coast".
And, I believe the film. Yep, we knew they did NOT care about Diana. Arranged marriage & she ended up cheating in the marriage as well.
Has normal extras on the DVD. I am VERY DISAPPOINTED Helen did not do a commentary. This is HER FILM & won the Oscar for it. WHERE IS SHE?
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Still funny but how things have changed
on September 27, 2009
from home
I have always enjoyed this film.
Even like the famous song. And, it is still catchy all these years later.
I think the cast were perfect in their roles.
Course, in this day in age, a lot of the thing the Franklin Hart character & the company did would NOT be stood for now.
Good but normal extras with it.
Did NOT like when putting the disc in you do NOT go automatically to the menu but to LOUD ADVERTISING MUSIC. NOT GOOD ON ANY DISC & GOES AGAINST WHAT THE THEME OF THE FILM.
The picture quality needs some work. For a "special edition" release the picture quality was dull.
What's great about it: Good, normal extras
What's not so great: Color quality is poor
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Very good film
on September 6, 2009
from home
This is the first 2009 film release I have wanted to buy.
Bought it because I have been a fan of Russel'’s.
He did a great job with the character. Personal note, character first name is my father name is my fathers name. Wore blue shirts so same favorite color as my father.
Interesting story to follow. Just when you think you have the what is going on figured out it surprises you.
Helen did a good job even though her character basically just did 1 thing, get mad, say the new owners ONLY were interested in making money .
Now, you could see on the screen both Russell & Helen were perfect for their role, A list past Oscar winning actors.
Now, as we go. Affleck. Oscar winner but not for acting. He was ONLY passable IN THE ROLE OF THE Congressman. This role should have been given to another A list actor.
Robin, who starred in 1 of Russell's favorite films The Princess Bride you barely saw her & she could have phoned the role in, she slept walked through it.
It was disappointing this film did not do well at the box office. It should have.
As for the DVD. Nothing special about it. The HBO Making Of special & only 2 deleted scenes.
Yes, I know the film did not do well at the box office but it deserved a better DVD package.
What's great about it: When you think you have it figured out you don’t
What's not so great: NO great extras
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
4 out of 5
When the show was still kind of good
on August 23, 2009
from home
Been taping the show since its debut December 1989. 20 years this year. About to start season 21.
Wish the show was still good.
I did NOT want to purchase this version of the DVD. I wanted the normal card board holder set but I could NOT because of where I purchased it.
For when the show was still good but had lost the appeal from the previous seasons.
Best show of the season for all of us internet hounds "The Computer Wore Menace Shoes". Homer as Mr X was good.
From the stupid years when they started the season with the Treehouse of Terror episode AFTER Halloween. I hated this.
Normal usual extras on the DVD's.
Do NOT buy this UNLESS you want this collectors edition. Can NOT stack hard to get DVD's in & out
What's great about it: Horrible DVD package
What's not so great: Normal extras
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Director Bruce Beresford's Oscar-winning adaptation of Alfred Uhry's Pulitzer Prize-winning play arrives on DVD in fine form in this Special Edition release from Warner Brothers Home Video. The feature is presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen, accompanied by audio rendered in closed-captioned Dolby Digital Stereo, French Dolby Digital Stereo, Spanish Dolby Digital Mono, and optional English Spanish, and French subtitles. In addition, viewers can go behind the scenes for three featurettes: "The All-New Miss Daisy's Journey: From Stage to Screen," "Jessica Tandy: Theatre Legend to Screen Star," and the original 1989 featurette. Feature-length commentary by director Beresford, writer Uhry, and producer Lili Fini Zanuck is also included, as are writer/director/cast highlights, awards notes, and a theatrical trailer.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Still a wonderful film
on August 21, 2009
from home
I have always really enjoyed this film. Took me long enough to get it on DVD.
Glad to have it widescreen.
A heart warming story between Daisy & Hoke.
It deserved the Best Picture Oscar as did Jessica. MORGAN SHOULD HAVE WON BEST ACTOR, HE DESERVED IT.
Dan, got an Oscar nomination as well. 1989 with this & "Ghostbusters 2", his career just basically stopped right there. Never had another hit film or TV show.
In these old fashion, GLAD THEY STOPPED MAKING THESE, CARD BOARD DVD holder. I have ALWAYS hated these things.
OK extras on it
Film needs a new DVD release.
What's great about it: Great film
I would recommend this to a friend!
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If you thought you'd seen the last of Robot Chicken: Star Wars, then brace yourself for the most hilarious sci-fi spoof this side of the universe. It's take-you-daughter-to-work day at the Galactic Empire, and the At-At races are about to get underway. The Ewoks have gone completely mad, and with a little luck, perhaps even Boba Fett will turn up for a surprise appearance. Seth Green takes the helm for a parody featuring the voices of Billy Dee Williams, Carrie Fisher, Ahmed Best, Andy Richter, and more.
Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Funny, you will enjoy if a Star Wars fan
on August 15, 2009
from home
I am NOT familiar with Robot Chicken
Never seen anything else other than the Star Wars episodes
Being a Star Wars fan & collector for nearly 30 years I did enjoy the DVD.
Most of the bits are funny. Not knowing Robot Chicken, is this normal to have curse words cut out on DVD’s?
That I did NOT like. It’s a DVD, SAY THE WORDS.
OK, the other thing I did NOT like about this. Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) & Bill Dee Williams (Lando) supplied their voices on the DVD. OK, where? In only 1 part where Princess Leia was used could you tell it was Carrie & for Lando it sounded like someone doing an imitation of him. IN ALL PARTS WHERE THE PRINCESS LEIA & LANDO CHARACTERS WERE USED WITH LINES, CARRIE & BILLY DEE SHOULD HAVE BEEN USED FOR THE CHARACTERS THEY CREATED.
Some good extras on the DVD.
What's great about it: extras
What's not so great: actor voices
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Funny, you will enjoy if a Star Wars fan
on August 15, 2009
from home
I am NOT familiar with Robot Chicken
Never seen anything else other than the Star Wars episodes
Being a Star Wars fan & collector for nearly 30 years I did enjoy the DVD.
Most of the bits are funny. Not knowing Robot Chicken, is this normal to have curse words cut out on DVD's?
That I did NOT like. It’s a DVD, SAY THE WORDS.
OK, the other thing I did NOT like about this. Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) provided his voice for the DVD. Did he NOT do all the parts where the Luke character was used? Sometimes you could tell it was him, other times it sounded like someone else's voice.
He should have been used EVERY TIME the Luke character was used in bits.
Some good extras on the DVD.
And, what was the deal with Hulk Hogan doing a voice? Grabbing at any piece of money in front of you Terry? He was NOT needed in this.
What's great about it: extras
What's not so great: actor voices
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
4 out of 5
I remember GOOD Harrison movies-this is NOT 1 of t
on June 14, 2009
from home
I have been following Harrison career for 30 years as of next year. USED to be first in the door opening day for his films.
I found it VERY strange this film had no press or publicity when it was released. Nothing.
Was it the subject matter? Maybe.
A topical subject now, especially where I live in California.
This film just is NOT good. Harrison did his normal great job with his role, YES ANOTHER COP.
2 D liste'rs in supporting roles & no one else of note.
1. We have TOO MANY STORIES GOING ON AT ONCE. How many different illegal alien families or people the film is showing us. Some doing good things here, other breaking further laws, etc.
2. That Claire character. Film makers, WHY DID WE NEED ALL THE NUDE SCENES WITH THIS ACTRESS? Claire is dumb, she goes to the correct department to check on her paperwork (NOTE WE GET THE NORMAL WOMAN BEHIND THE COUNTER WHO IS RUDE & NOT HELPFUL) Did the Claire character HAVE A COPY OF HER PAPERWORK SHE KEPT FOR HER RECORDS OR OF HER MONEY ORDER? Nope, but we had to have a scene with her paying off A GUY AT A COPY MAKING COMPANY. So, she knew what making copies was BUT DID NOT KEEP A COPY OF SOMETHING THAT IMPORTANT? Oh, boo hoo, I sure was NOT crying when she was deported.
3. Judd & Liotta were husband & wife. Yet, we see 2 scenes with them together, the first at their home where she starts trying to talk him into adopting the little girl. FILM MAKERS, HE HAD NEVER EVEN MET THE LITTLE GIRL, why was there not a line, like “Come & meet her”?
4. The family getting mad & 1 member killing the sister because she was having an affair with her married boss? Oh please.
5. Harrison’s character & all the things he did concerning that 1 illegal alien woman & her kid. Why did his bosses let him do that? Go find the kid & then take him to other family members. THAT IS NOT HIS JOB, that is Child Protective Services.
6. And, of course, the 1 girl after her 9-11 paper at school.
Just, not good.
A big disappointment.
DVD package.
We knew there would be no extras. No chapter search list.
DVD package. Harrison only got the reference to the Indy films. Gee, did we forget 3 other little films released in 1977, 1980 & 1983? “The Fugitive“, his Oscar nominated role in ‘Witness”, “Air Force One”?
Judd has had 2 hit films, instead of mentioning say ‘Double Jeopardy” they mentioned a “Twisted” Anyone remember this 1?
Liotta 1 hit film, from 20 years ago of course “Field of Dreams”. "Smokin’ Aces?” What? A straight to video thing?
Just, over all, a poor film & NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT THE DVD PACKAGE
My rating, ONLY for Harrison
What's great about it: RATING ONLY FOR HARRISON
What's not so great: HORRIBLE DVD package, no extras
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
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Richard Dreyfuss and Emilio Estevez star in director John Badham's action comedy Stakeout. The film is presented in very nice 1.85:1 anamoprhic widescreen transfer. Buena Vista has done a respectable job of making sure the colors, black levels and flesh tones are all solid and very bright. Aside of a small amount of edge enhancement in the image, this transfer should please fans. The soundtrack is presented in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround in English and takes good advantage of a home theater surround sound system. While this sound mix isn't overly bombastic or full, it does include some unique directional effects and surround sounds, along with crystal clear dialogue, effects and music. No alternate soundtracks or subtitles are available on this disc. Sadly, fans of the film are stuck with a completely bare bones release of this film -- not a single extra feature has been included on this disc.
Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Still enjoyable after all these years
on June 7, 2009
from home
I have always enjoyed this film.
Funny, interesting idea. Good script.
Even with WAY OLD MOVIE TRICK-CARS RUNNING INTO GARBAGE CANS, cars in car chases running into each other, that type of thing.
Now we have 2 Oscar winners in it. Dreyfuss & Estevez had good chemistry as the 2 partners.
Stowe in her short film career, all I ever remember from her in the 2 films I saw her in (remember, she went NO WHERE after this, her only hit movie) was her taking her clothes off.
An older DVD, needs to be released.
NO extras.
Since it is older, nice to have a chapter search page.
And, widescreen the way it should be seen.
The unnecessary sequel I saw once & was NOT funny. Stick to this, the original.
What's not so great: No extras & CHAPTER STOPS
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
3 out of 5
The down fall of the show & AN ARM PIT GUEST STAR
on May 10, 2009
from home
Getting to the final years of the show.
Although still 1 of my favorite all time TV show, most of the story lines were just stupid.
Got rid of a bunch of the bad side characters & brought in some more.
Still have Priscilla who did not know how to act. Her character Jenna had basically 2 emotions on the show. Then, that horrible daughter Charlie character. Another poorly written character with like Jenna 2 emotions mostly she didn’t get her way & she got mad & acted out. Enough of them.
Then, of course getting rid of the much better Donna character & marrying Ray of so soon to Jenna.
Not 1 but 2 court room situations. Bad story ideas. Mob stories on a side character. Christopher acting out every chance & doing things his father & family say not to do.
The JR fight for Weststar was good, normal JR story lines.
The picture quality in this DVD is HORRIBLE. Faded picture, snowy picture. Just terrible.
No extras.
But, as bad as all that is the worst thing about this season. THE ARM PITT IN A FEW EPISODES AS THE RANDY CHARACTER GOING OUT WITH THE CHARLIE CHARACTER. Try to take advantage of the girl then play a saint to her mother & step father. I fast forwarded through most of THE ARM PITT’S SCENES. Just can NOT stand to watch that liar.
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 1voted this as helpful.
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CKCSWHFFAN's Review Comments
The Kardashian sisters feel the impact of celebrity in this season, when Khloé must deal with the very public aftermath of her DUI, while Kim and Kourtney contend with sibling rivalry as their professional and personal relationships blur.
Overall4 out of 54 out of 5
By CKCSWHFFAN from home
Yes, the show is a guilty pleasure.
Episodes that aired in 2009. 12 episodes this season
Now, THE IMPROVEMENTS. 1. The episodes are wide screen, 2. Disc 1 has deleted scenes & 3. Disc 2 has commentary for episodes. Why not with each episode-no clue about that. But it is MUCH better than the blog from Rob on season 2.
Now, this time out apparently there are ONLY 3 Kardashians in this season. Kourtney, Kim & Khloe are only shown on both sides of the DVD case. BOTH discs have the same photo of them. So, they do NOT give credit to Kris, Bruce, Rob, Kendall & Kylie? Show is called Keeping Up With The Kardashians NOT Keeping Up With The Kardashian Sisters.
1 big mistake done again on this DVD. Same CHEAP, PLASTIC DVD CASE WITH THE INTENTIONAL HOLES IN IT. CHEAP & NOT SAFE. Apparently the DVD makers just want people to buy this over & over again since the DVD are NOT safely secure.
And, a point for anyone. There was MASS CONFUSION ABOUT THE RELEASE DATE OF THIS DVD. It was released 8-17-10. Some stores & websites changed the date until 9-21-10. THIS WAS UNTRUE. I purchased the DVD from a local store 8-18-10. So, make sure IF you want it check with the store. DO NOT GO BY PRINTED MATERIAL
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More to my review
August 20, 2010
I forgot to mention in my review IT IS NOT UNCUT, IT IS EDITED SO THIS IS A NEGATIVE
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