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This release from the Travel Channel series Bridget's Sexiest Beaches offers the complete first season of the show, following Playboy model Bridget Marquart as she explores seaside locales in Spain, Thailand, Croatia, and more.
Customer Rating
4 out of 5
on March 13, 2010
from home
I do NOT normally watch The Travel Channel unless they air a show on the Disney theme parks.
I was a late bloomer to watching The Girls Next Door because I am NOT a Playboy fan.
I decided to watch the show because after I started watching TGND I became a fan of the ladies.
I did enjoy the show. What the best part was because Bridget really was having fun & enjoyed what she was doing EXCEPT FOR EATING FOOD I AGREE I WOULD NOT EAT EITHER
Besides Holly & Kendra her sister Anastasia makes an appearance. Other ladies seen on TGND are in different episodes
Beach & area coverage are normal for this type of show, showing everything they can/of interest. Best episode So. California for TGND fans. Holly & Kendra on this episode. Worst Thailand the snakes at the beach. Torment animals that will kill you.
Now, let’s pick apart the DVD package
Cheap, cheap, cheap. Cheap, thin plastic case. ALL THE DVD'S HAVE THE SAME PHOTO OF BRIDGET, SAME 1 WHICH WAS USED ON THE COVER SHOT. Can NOT read the episode guide inside without taking the DVD's out 1st. Discs 2 & 3 are on top of each other. So, if you want to watch disc 3 you have to remove 2 discs.
Extras, what extras.
It was a good 1 season show, but the DVD package is just terrible.
My rating is for the show NOT the DVD package. That would get only a 1.
What's great about it: Bridget sold it great photography
What's not so great: extras/what extras?
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Enjoyable BUT where is missing episode?
on March 6, 2010
from home
I am NOT a Playboy fan. Never have been, never will be.
Winter 2009 I watched a couple of episodes & became a fan of the ladies Bridget & Holly. I like Kendra more now then I did at the beginning.
So, I am a late bloomer to be a fan of the show.
Of course, my favorite part of the 5 seasons on DVD is the girls commentary. Love to listen to that.
Good episode, Bridget’s sister Anastasia's birthday trip. Going to Knott's Berry Farm in Pleading the 55th part 2.
Bridget, Holly & Kendra ARE THE GIRLS NEXT DOOR. Not those short term replacements because TGND franchise is now dead because the girls moved on.
Like the twins lasted a long time. Dumb as stumps.
Ok, as for the DVD package. This season & season 4 were NOT put in the good card board holder with a separate case for each DVD. Nope, we have a thin, cheap plastic holder & the DVD's badly input inside.
Also, Bridget was on disc 2 of seasons 1 through 4 DVD sets, but here they put Kendra on this last season
AND, A MISSING EPISODE. Where, oh where, is the hour long episode when Bridget goes to do her Travel channel show & Kendra moves out? I so wanted to see this episode on here BECAUSE I SO WANTED TO HEAR THE GIRLS COMMENTARY ON THIS EPISODE.
The talk between Hugh (Hef) & Mary about the girls leaving & Holly not being happy. THIS EPISODE WAS SO NEEDED HERE. A loss that it is NOT.
What's not so great: Last episode missing
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Fresno, Beverly Hills Cop & Close Encounters all i
on February 6, 2010
from home
Yes, people Fresno CA is just loads of fun….NOT It is Channel 24 NOT 23 and channel 24 is our NBC station. Loved the films comments getting the real meaning of this city in it.
An enjoyable film. Did not care for anyone in the voice cast.
But, it is fun and you do not have to be a kid to enjoy it.
NOT up to the standard of classic Disney or Disney/Pixar films. Compare the film to the "Ice Age" films on humor, style, etc.
Let’s see, they used "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "Beverly Hills Cop" music in the film.
The President character going after a funny Bush….meaning NOT TOO BRIGHT.
Military said they were holding some of the monsters for 50 years…..this character did NOT look that old.
Just, as said above, an enjoyable film.
Normal extras on it.
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
4 out of 5
A guilty please PROMOTING season 2
on January 26, 2010
from home
Since I am not a Playboy fan so I was a late bloomer to start watching "The Girls Next Door" on E!
I did not start watching until the winter of 2009 I like Bridget & Holly
Grew to like Kendra because I watched her season 1
Good to see the REAL TGND together in some episodes.
We know the timing of the release for the premiere of season 2 in March 2010, after the hour show with the birth of Hank the 4th.
I like Hank, he seems like a nice guy, so is the rest of his family.
Has a flyer inside for the promotion of season 2
NO extras, claiming the hour episode where Bridget comes to the house to speak about what has been going on with Kendra & Hank ALL staged for TV but good to see
No commentary on this set, that was the best part of TGND DVD sets
And, we TGND fans can skip the NEW & A TOTAL LET DOWN TGND Especially since the twins, looking only for career opportunities moved out
And, the theme song Kendra likes it & it is hers but I hate it Have to hit mute or just skip it
What's not so great: cheap plastic case
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
3 out of 5
on January 12, 2010
from home
Ok, I know the show just celebrated its 20th anniversary. I have been watching since December 1989.
So, I will get my point across that season 13 was next in line for DVD release.
Now, most of us will agree the show has lost a lot of its steam. Just not as good.
This season was just watch able. Not outstanding. Decent, not laugh riots.
It is 100% true the makers of these DVD packages are NOT reading comments on these DVD releases.
Just like season 12 DVD the DVD package is HORRIBLE. Work to open up. DVD's hard to get out once opened.
The brochure inside just has list of episodes, information on the DVD's. HEY FOX, HOW ABOUT WRITING SOMETHING ABOUT THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY? Nope, a let down.
There is an extra on the 20th. But, nothing in the brochure or back of the DVD. Be careful, the regular DVD package and the blu ray look almost the same so be sure you pick up the right 1.
What's not so great: BAD DVD package
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 4voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
4 out of 5
A guilty pleasure season 2 but lacking DVD package
on January 5, 2010
from home
2cd time inputting this to Best Buy website
A guilty pleasure show to watch on E!. Aired spring of 2008.
Season 2.
Well, we get more episodes in the 2cd season. The 1 that will tug at the heart strings is the last episode when they go to New Orleans & help a family out who lost their home in the 2005 Katrina storm.
No special extras. A few deleted scenes & a video segment with Rob.
Now, here are the problems with it 1. EPISODES ARE NOT UNCUT. Come on. The Girls Next Door DVD's are uncut they have nudity & language. Why is this show NOT shown uncut? I am very disappointed in that. 2. This HORRIBLE & CHEAP DVD case/holder. It has intentional HOLES IN IT ON BOTH FRONT & BACK Cheap, stupid & THOUGHTLESS 3. No commentary as well on the episodes
At lease it does have a chapter/episode list. BUT, the 1st season DVD said the original air dates for the episodes Season 2 does NOT
Let us hope the DVD for season 3 is better than this
What's not so great: HORRIBLE DVD package normal extras
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Well done NOT AS BUT good as Blue Harvest
on December 23, 2009
from home
I am a long time, as of 2010 30 years, "Star Wars" collector. Fan of "Family Guy" since the ORIGINAL debut in 1999.
I have so been looking forward to this since the "Blue Harvest" episode aired in 2007 & the DVD release said they were going to do the Empire edition. Since Empire is the best of the 6 films.
VERY DISAPPOINTED this did NOT air on TV 1st. Should have. Just because it was straight to DVD being able to cuss did NOT mean they should have & did when not necessary.
Empire edition is well done but not quite as good as "Blue Harvest". Yoda fell flat. They could have done so much with Yoda. They did NOTHING on how the character speaks. They could have done all sorts of things with that.
You will never look at the Cookie Monster the same way again.
I was VERY DISAPPOINTED that they waited until Christmas week to release. Yes, I know for Christmas presents but I did NOT appreciate having to go out to VERY BUSY stores to purchase.
We know, from the extras, they will be doing a Jedi edition. I think we know what character choices they have for Meg. Jabba or the Rancor?
I did enjoy this Empire edition course getting Back to the Future at the end & Brian was right End of Empire Lando is wearing Han's clothes.
DVD package is POOR. No chapter search list. The little flyer in mine was packaged wrong & folded.
Good extras on it though.
What's not so great: James Woods & HORRIBLE DVD PACKAGE
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
3 out of 5
An Okay follow up POOR DVD PACKAGE
on December 8, 2009
from home
I like, not love the original 2006 film. An original idea. What brought it down was Ben Stiller doing his normal Ben Stiller role & Owen Wilson.
The 2cd film. It is an okay follow up. Once again, Ben Stiller & Owen Wilson I just do NOT like.
The plot, you can follow it. But, we have cheesy unnecessary scenes, cut aways.
The Star Wars fan & collector I am the brief Darth Vader bit could have been MUCH better, Oscar the Grouch was good.
Here we go with casting. Hank Azaria the main villain. Sorry, I did NOT buy it. How many times has he done a weird foreign accent for a film? Too much. Been done so many times. They needed another actor. Nope, I did not buy him in the role, a waste. The character make have worked better with another actor.
Now, I think Amy Adams did a good job as Amelia Earhart. This role I bought.
Plot holes in SEVERAL PLACES. Like when Amelia & Larry bring the characters back to the original museum at the end. We only saw a few characters but yet when we see what happens when they get back the whole crew is back.
You could see the end of the film from a mile away. Once the day was saved we knew what would happen.
Only time in the 2 films I liked Ricky Gervais character was at the VERY END of this film.
Notice Larry’s son Nick did NOT really age or get bigger between films?
Enough with the bit with the monkey now monkeys battling Larry huh? Seen it before, got old in the 1st film.
As for the DVD package. A horrible, these new, cheap plastic cases with holes in them. Who thought these up? NO chapter search list, no printed information of any worth inside.
Normal extras on it.
A good try, does NOT hit the bulls eye, not close. Just an okay, passable effort.
What's not so great: HORRIBLE DVD packagenormal extras
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Another good film from Disney/Pixar
on November 11, 2009
from home
This film is another success for Disney/Pixar.
Thankfully, they are different than the rest. They come up with original ideas.
Beautiful animation.
A disappointment-NO GOOD MUSIC. Remember when Disney films had good music/songs? Sure miss those days. Memorable songs? Oscar winning songs? Those were the days.
This has the digital copy. Good idea, but I would like to see some different extras like Disney used to. More information on the film, showing more in depth stuff.
NO chapter list, you just do NOT get these anymore & I want them.
And, Disney/Pixar, why the horrible flip the little flap DVD case/holder? Now, I looked at the single disc DVD & IT DID NOT HAVE THIS HORRIBLE FEATURE, SO WHY DOES THE MORE EXPENSIVE HAVE THIS. Hate them.
What's not so great: Stand extras & HORRIBLE DVD CASE/HOLDER
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Enjoyable film, does not let you down
on November 1, 2009
from home
I like all 3 of the "Ice Age" films.
Not the best animated films ever made, but they are enjoyable.
Now, I remember purchasing the original film when released on DVD. All 3 films have made about the same at the American box office.
The Crash & Eddie characters introduced in the 2cd film are just as funny as they were before.
I enjoyed & found myself laughing several times in this film.
A point, similar to "Jurassic Park 3" where a similar looking dinosaur was the main villain dinosaur Rudy in this film.
1 thing I do NOT like was the today references. Like a character talking on a cell phone, the today phrases
Tacky & unnecessary.
Cheap, with NO EXTRAS on this. Made nearly $200 million at the US box office & no extras. Cheap.
Kids, families will enjoy the film.
What's great about it: Good characters
What's not so great: NO EXTRAS!!
I would recommend this to a friend!
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CKCSWHFFAN's Review Comments
The Kardashian sisters feel the impact of celebrity in this season, when Khloé must deal with the very public aftermath of her DUI, while Kim and Kourtney contend with sibling rivalry as their professional and personal relationships blur.
Overall4 out of 54 out of 5
By CKCSWHFFAN from home
Yes, the show is a guilty pleasure.
Episodes that aired in 2009. 12 episodes this season
Now, THE IMPROVEMENTS. 1. The episodes are wide screen, 2. Disc 1 has deleted scenes & 3. Disc 2 has commentary for episodes. Why not with each episode-no clue about that. But it is MUCH better than the blog from Rob on season 2.
Now, this time out apparently there are ONLY 3 Kardashians in this season. Kourtney, Kim & Khloe are only shown on both sides of the DVD case. BOTH discs have the same photo of them. So, they do NOT give credit to Kris, Bruce, Rob, Kendall & Kylie? Show is called Keeping Up With The Kardashians NOT Keeping Up With The Kardashian Sisters.
1 big mistake done again on this DVD. Same CHEAP, PLASTIC DVD CASE WITH THE INTENTIONAL HOLES IN IT. CHEAP & NOT SAFE. Apparently the DVD makers just want people to buy this over & over again since the DVD are NOT safely secure.
And, a point for anyone. There was MASS CONFUSION ABOUT THE RELEASE DATE OF THIS DVD. It was released 8-17-10. Some stores & websites changed the date until 9-21-10. THIS WAS UNTRUE. I purchased the DVD from a local store 8-18-10. So, make sure IF you want it check with the store. DO NOT GO BY PRINTED MATERIAL
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More to my review
August 20, 2010
I forgot to mention in my review IT IS NOT UNCUT, IT IS EDITED SO THIS IS A NEGATIVE
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