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AandJ091108's Reviews
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
'Mary Poppins' Blu Ray not perfect, but VERY close
on July 13, 2016
Posted by: AandJ091108
Verified Purchase:Yes
'Mary Poppins' from Disney Studios in 1964 was a groundbreaking film in many ways. Not only did it successful blend both live action and animation in new and exciting ways, it also featured a top notch stellar cast of old pros and extremely talented newcomers (many of whom we would soon be seeing LOTS more of) and the beautiful original music by the Sherman Brothers, the greatest songwriters that ever worked for Disney. With the songs sung by one of most beautiful voices of all time, the great Julie Andrews, Mary Poppins is entertainment at it's best.
While created primarily as a 'Family Film' there is something about 'Mary Poppins' that resonates with ALL age groups and speaks to me differently now at age 59 than when I first saw it in 1964 at the Northgate Cinema in Seattle. It is fun for the entire family and has plenty of Re-Watch-ability built right in.
With that said, this review will be focusing on the video and audio portions of the Blu ray presentation, and not the film itself.
'Mary Poppins" looks REALLY GOOD on Blu Ray. It is not perfect and simply can not be due to the sheer amount of old school optical effects that are achieved at the expense of both clarity and perceived picture resolution. I honestly did not except too much from this transfer and was happily surprised throughout the presentation.
I really must say that the work that went into this transfer must have been enormous. Almost all the dirt and debris has been cleared way along with print damage like scratches, etc. Color timing looks very good, perhaps the color saturation level is just a bit on the light side of things, but overall it is very natural looking. Contrast and Brightness levels are very good and the film looks spectacular in motion. Nice and smooth.....
The problem areas of this transfer all revolve around the special effects of the time which were mostly achieved optically, by printing multiple layers of negative onto a composite piece of film. By the time all the elements are inserted and printed, you might be looking at 4 or 5 generations and you have lost clarity with each one.
I was frankly shocked by how well Disney has handled this title. I was not expecting things to turn out as well as they did. However......... You can pretty much guess each time the film will dissolve (fade) into another scene as you are then at at least 2 layers and things will be noticeably "blurrier". Also, during much of the animation scenes with the human actors, you will notice the rotoscoping around the live actors and at times it is sloppy looking. This is NOT from the current Blu Ray transfer, but from the original effects process. Honestly, the film has been polished and cleaned up to the point where it only really slips badly visually a few times. For me, the worst looking segment was during the room cleaning sequence. Not ALL of it, just parts. If you have a critical eye, you will notice the weak spots immediately but soon realize they are perfectly acceptable within the framework of the full movie. MOST of it is great so there is enough wiggle room for those rather weaker looking moments.
No overuse of edge enhancement/sharpening or DNR can be seen. Technically this is a top notch transfer. Decent bit rate and no visible encoding artifacts that I could spot. Hats off to the team that accomplished this!
Still, I am truly only mentioning all this for those who buy the disc and then are bitterly disappointed that 'Mary Poppins" doesn't look "Perfect" on Blu Ray. The simple reason is IT CAN'T look perfect since it never WAS perfect. But Marty G is saying right now that this is the VERY BEST he has ever seen 'Mary Poppins" look on home video.
ON a scale of 1 to 5, I would say the Video quality 'Mary Poppins" is an average of 3.3/4 and at time hits 4.5 while at other times sinks down to perhaps 3.0. The visuals aren't all that consistent at times, but only someone who is really looking for it will notice it much.
OK, so the picture is pretty darn good, how about the sound?
The audio on 'Mary Poppins" is where this disc REALLY shines. The musical numbers especially just come to life in DTS HD-Master Audio 7.1 Surround. I was disappointed that the original Stereo mix is only presented in Dolby Digital but the re-purposed surround mix is quite good and I went with it. Decent surround activity and even some sub involvement, this is a lively mix that belies the age of the source elements. Nice job!
The original production sound lacks a bit in the dialogue department. Oh , you can hear everything, but it at times has a weak and canned sound to it. The techniques and limitations of the day are to blame I am sure. The music itself is wonderfully reproduced as are all the vocals. Foley and Ambient effects are nicely mixed to take advantage of the surround format and I found myself quite satisfied with the audio on this Blu ray disc.
Special features abound on this disc and the Supplements are quite extensive. Most are in SD, while a few are at least in wide screen with a 14 minute HD quasi-commercial (basically) for the new 'Saving Mr. Banks' film. Honestly though, the special feature are so numerous I don't have the time or space to write about all of them. Basically,. They are for the most part quite good and will interest all who love the film to begin with. Just the movie alone on Blu Ray is well worth the price, but the addition of this plethora of extras puts the icing right on top of the cake. Yes, you guessed it, they are Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious !! I had to say that once! (sorry)
'Mary Poppins' is a true classic that will entertain and delight for many years to come. This Blu Ray presentation gives you the very best rendering of both the video and audio available. While not perfect, it is a great film with a very ambitious Blu Ray transfer that SHOULD delight most fans. Looks very good, sounds even better! I had a huge smile on my face all during the screening. It's an amazing achievement!
Highly recommended!
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Awesome Family Fun!!!
on July 13, 2016
Posted by: AandJ091108
Verified Purchase:Yes
This movie was actually a lot better than I expected, and had some hilarious moments. I can relate to some of the things that happened to Greg. I have not read the book, so I couldn't compare it. 12 year old Greg Heffley is nervous about starting middle school. Him and his dorky best friend, Rowley Jefferson try to fit in and become popular, but that's easier said than done. Throughout the school year, Greg and Rowley come up with weird ways to become popular like being a Safety Patrol officer, wrestling, and performing in epic school plays. In order to truly appreciate this film, you either need to be a parent, or think from the perspective of a kid. I highly recommend DIARY OF A WIMPY KID!!!
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Better Than the First
on July 13, 2016
Posted by: AandJ091108
Verified Purchase:Yes
Comedy sequels are notorious for essentially being their first movie for a second time and not bringing anything new to the table. Since this criticism has become a consensus, comedy-sequel writers have tried and failed to avoid this problem. It kind of just is what it is. Nothing is as good the second time around.
Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum made for an unlikely duo in 2012’s “21 Jump Street,” a remake of the 1987 television series. This odd couple had great chemistry, and made for a good, if unoriginal buddy cop movie.
Schmidt (Hill) and Jenko (Tatum) are cops who did a great undercover operation a few years ago, where they went undercover as high school students to stop a new and lethal drug from getting into the wrong hands. Now, they are going undercover at a local college to basically do the same operation all over again.
What makes this different from other basically-the-same-movie comedy sequels is its meta self-awareness. We know that it’s the same story as the original, and it knows that it is. What pushes this into uncharted territory is that it knows that we know it. The script is stuffed with self-aware jokes that went over the heads of alot of people in my screening - it was like I was the only one who got these jokes.
Channing Tatum, who is a complete failure as a dramatic actor, can be very good in a comedy if the script is there. He and Jonah Hill play off one another very well, and this film becomes the odd comedy sequel that demands to be watched along with its predecessor - it’s not a step down from the original, and it’s just as much fun as the first.
Grade; B+
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Wonderful film!
on July 13, 2016
Posted by: AandJ091108
Verified Purchase:Yes
Considering Disney's recent track record, it would appear that they think the average kid is maturing faster than before. Thus, they seem to put out movies that are dark and inappropriate for the average kid. The only exceptions to this trend are the wonderful Toy Story movies and A Bug's Life. Flashback a decade or two, and you'll find a different Disney, a Disney that made movies everybody could enjoy. Aristocats comes from that era. True the animation from this decade is weak, and the story loses a few points in some areas. The villain is also quite tame. All of that, however, disappears under the movie's charm, upbeat attitude, and general fun. It's certainly more fun than Hercules. People looking for something intense should avoid this. Families with small children and those who love adorable cats will love this movie. From this era, I also recommend Robin Hood. As I've said before, you just can't beat old school Disney.
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Rated R for being scary! How rare is that?
on July 13, 2016
Posted by: AandJ091108
Verified Purchase:Yes
James Wan is a horror director that might have finally peaked with this one. His first SAW film was the best of the bunch and while Insidious had flaws, it also had some great scare moments and visuals. The Conjuring is a near perfect ghost/demonic possession movie. The scares are not cheap and they are 90% effective. A couple felt a little forced, but overall this is one the creepiest movies I have seen in theaters.
Based on a "true story" that takes place in 1971, a family becomes the victim of some evil forces in their new house. Two paranormal investigators are brought in to gather evidence. They are based on the famous couple that also investigated The Amityville Horror years later.
The acting is great all around from the kids and adults. I like how they didn't use any big name actors. Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson and Ron Livingston are relatively well known, but thankfully no huge star power here to completely take you out of the film.
Very little gore, no foul language or nudity in a horror movie? Believe it or not, this thing earned the R rating for pure scares alone. Now don't get too overhyped or anything. I personally didn't jump in my seat or want to cover my eyes (though many scenes are quite chilling), but plenty of people around me did.
The Conjuring is my favorite film so far this year. Let's leave it at that.
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Can't believe I enjoyed this as much as my child!
on July 13, 2016
Posted by: AandJ091108
Verified Purchase:Yes
I try very hard to spend time with my daughter who is currently ten years old, and often that is in the form of just being together while watching movies. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series of movies, and especially this one, is very well done. It's silly and funny but offers some real life lessons. It is a fresh breath of air when compared to so much of the garbage kid shows on cable TV. Unlike so many movies targeted at my daughter's age group, this one is of high quality, including story line, production quality, acting and comedic value. Our whole family couldn't help but laugh out loud together, which in my opinion is a healthy thing for a family to do. Highly recommended movie, and series.
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
The Movie Disney didn't squash
on July 13, 2016
Posted by: AandJ091108
Verified Purchase:Yes
Saving Mr. Banks is the kind of film that Hollywood ought to love. It's about how one of the most beloved movies in movie history got made. And it's the first time Walt Disney has ever been portrayed in a movie, so that's saying a lot. And, just to put all of this perspective, when Disney first heard that the movie was being made, they're first reaction was to buy it and squash it. See, there's a reason Walt has never been portrayed onscreen before. However, after looking at it, they decided not only not to do that but to produce it! It's that kind of movie.
And it's good. I mean, it's really good. I know it is because my wife cried through about the last third of it. I will be extremely surprised if it doesn't get the best picture Oscar this year. Overall, from what we've seen so far, I think it's most well rounded show out there. And it leaves you feeling good after having had a good cry.
Not to get into what the movie is about, but it's about how Walt Disney convinced P. L. Travers to give him the rights to make Mary Poppins, something it took him 20 years to do. Along with that story, you see the story of the defining moment of Travers' childhood, which shows why Poppins was so important to her. From what I've seen from fact-checking, the movie is fairly accurate, which is another plus. A big one, actually. They did have hours and hours of audio recordings from sessions with Travers and some of the people working on the movie (because she insisted that everything be recorded), so they wouldn't have had a good excuse for it not being accurate.
So, first, let's talk Tom Hanks. Oh, man, Tom Hanks was... incredible. There were moments, especially when they showed him watching himself on the old black and white TV show Walt introduced, where he was just like Disney. And, from everything I've read, Hanks did capture Walt to an amazing extent. I do know that the folks at Disney Studios shaved Hanks' mustache to the exact dimensions that Walt wore his. His only being called a supporting actor for this role, but I think it's a safe bet that he will at least get a nomination for it. I will not at all be surprised if he wins. Actually, I hope he does. [I haven't seen Captain Phillips, yet, but he's also being talked about for a best actor nomination for that one.]
Then, we have to talk Emma Thompson, and she may just deserve best actress for her performance. That's a tough call for me, though, because Sandra Bullock carried an entire movie virtually by herself, and that's an impressive feat. However, I'm not sure anyone else could have pulled off Travers the way Thompson did. It was a great performance, and she and Hanks were perfect together.
Paul Giamatti was lovable as Ralph, the chauffeur. This role probably wasn't especially difficult for Giamatti, but he was perfect in it. Jason Schwartzman and B. J. Novak were awesome as Richard and Robert Sherman. Not the parts called for too much, but it was great to see them in the movie. They were good, too. Especially this one part with Novak, but I don't want to spoil it, so you'll just have to see it; then, I'll tell you which one.
Which brings us to Colin Farrell. Farrell is one of those underrated actors who is almost always excellent despite the horrible movies he's in. I mean, Alexander wasn't really his fault, and how can you blame him for not turning down Total Recall? At any rate, he's wonderful and wonderfully tragic as Travers Goff. He was my favorite part of the movie. I mentioned that my wife cried, but there were some scenes of Goff with his daughter where I almost cried. That's kind of saying a lot for me.
I loved this movie. Of the possible best picture nominees, if you have to pick just one, this is the one I would recommend. Sure, Gravity is visually amazing, but this movie has heart that Gravity just doesn't have, no matter how you feel about Walt Disney. And let me make this clear, the movie is not about Walt Disney; the script was written (and not changed) before Disney (the Company) had a hand in it; the movie is about Travers and how she was ultimately convinced to allow Walt to make Mary Poppins into a movie. It's definitely worth seeing.
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Die Hard is Awesome
on July 13, 2016
Posted by: AandJ091108
Verified Purchase:Yes
Die Hard Blu-ray far exceeds the Five-Star Collection version I own on DVD > I directly compared the two and the upgrades are incredible. The Blu-ray video is exceptional in almost every way. In my opinion the Blu-ray viewing exceeds the theatrical experience. The surround sound mix is sick > making great use of sub and back speakers. If you are a fan of the original Die Hard you will not be disappointed in the least with this release. Everybody knows Die Hard is one of the best action movies ever > highly entertaining and just as cool as it was 20 years ago. A classic flick given a great Blu-ray release > this is a no-brainer purchase. I highly recommend buying this Blu-ray.
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Kenny steals the show! B+
on July 12, 2016
Posted by: AandJ091108
Verified Purchase:Yes
"He's actually really cool, he's a drug dealer." David Clark (Sudeikis) is a drug dealer who is great at his job. One night while trying to do the right thing he loses all he has. When his boss finds out he gives him a way to pay him back. All he has to do is move a "smidge" of pot across the Mexican border. Thinking that no one will stop a family in an RV he recruits a stripper, a homeless girl and a clueless boy and off they go. But it doesn't go as smooth as he expected. Comedies are the hardest to market I think. The goal of a trailer is to put enough in to make you want to see it but not give too much away. Most comedies fall into the trap of putting all the funny parts in the trailer and when you see the movie you are disappointed. While I would say that 80% of the trailers gives away all the funny parts the movie is still hilarious and very much worth seeing. Sudeikis is funny as always and Aniston is great in her role but the kid that plays Kenny really steals the movie and he is worth the price alone. There are some comedies that are funny the first time you see them then start to lose something with repeated watching. Some exceptions to me are Anchoman & Wedding Crashers. Those are funny every time I see them. While I don't think this is in the same class as those I still think it will be a long time before the humor is lost with repeated watching. Overall, very funny and very much worth seeing a few times at least. I give it a B+.
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Great product was exactly what it described
on July 12, 2016
Posted by: AandJ091108
Verified Purchase:Yes
Pin worked on my phone and added minutes, text, and data with no problems.
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
My Best Buy number: 2706153592
I would recommend this to a friend!
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