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Twlightfann's Reviews
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
on September 23, 2009
Posted by: Twlightfann
This was a great horror film. Lots of blood and gore, great pictures, and best of all the dude who played Hamiltom Porter in "The Sand Lot" and Zach in "Sun In Law" is back in this film all grown up as a some what possessed college student. Basically the plot of this movie is a New Jersey board walk horror ride known as "Dark Ride" was shot down in the early 1990's, because the person who owned it's oldest son was killing people who rode it. And a group of college students headed for New Orleans for spring break decide to make a stop in New Jersey to spend the night in the Dark Ride. But little do they know that the killer son of the person who owns this ride has just escaped from the mental institute and is also staying inside the dark ride.
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
2 out of 5
Worth seeing at least once
on September 23, 2009
Posted by: Twlightfann
The premise of the movie is an interesting one- you have the main character Penny who is traveling into the mountains with her psychiatrist Orianna as part of a therapy session. You see, Penny's parents died in a horrible car accident & as a result she's incapable of getting into a car without having a panic attack with fits of nausea. Unfortunately for them they ran into a hitchhiker who has his/her (never quite clear on the gender) own idea of a good time. As in cutting people open for fun.
This really wasn't my type of horror movie but I decided to give it a try based on the premise & the title. (I've always loved the term 'Penny Dreadful'.) While the movie is overly long & could have been better served as an hour long production, it's still a pretty good slasher flick. There's some interesting imagery in the film for those who are looking for a little hidden depth to their horror films. (You can equate Penny's climb out of the car as akin to her climbing out of a womb, showing that she's not afraid of cars anymore. Before that point she was only going to hide in the car.)
I couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed overall, though. There was the potential for a twist in the movie, a twist that never really came. At one point I almost thought that the hitchhiker was actually Penny herself & that she had killed everyone in a state of delirium after having snapped from revisiting the mountains where her parents died. (The hitchhiker representing her autophobia.) I also imagined that there could be a possibility that there was someone else in the car with Penny & her parents before the crash & that the hitchhiker was actually her long lost brother that she'd suppressed memories of. (Like for instance he could have been ejected from the car where no one found him & he grew up living in the wild. Then he chose to take revenge on Penny when he read her dossier in the car b/c he viewed her as forgetting him.) None of these twists ever came however & the film ends with the stereotypical "bad guy might get up to kill again" finale.
Still, for fans of the slasher genre this will be a nice flick. Worth owning? Dunno- it was interesting to watch once, but that really seemed to be enough for me. There really wasn't anything extraordinary about the film that seemed to stand out. The main actress was amazing in this role, especially considering that she literally carried the bulk of the film. Then again, I'm not the target audience so it may appeal to slasher fans. I'd recommend renting it before you buy, though.
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
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Customer Rating
2 out of 5
Worth a rental
on September 23, 2009
Posted by: Twlightfann
If you scrape at the surface, House Of Wax doesn't look very promising. Paris Hilton, Elisha Cuthbert and Chad Michael Murray could all compete for the Most Arrogant, Least Believable and Stuck-Up Actor Awards in my book. The story itself is something we've heard and seen a thousand times before, and it's flavored with nu-metal and strip sequences. But surprisingly, it's actually a really decent film.
The first thing I notice is the opening sequence. It's startling, catches my attention and even throws me out of the loop a little bit. The way we're presented to the characters is not much of a big deal, it's actually quite ordinary. It may be hard to relate to them all, but I've seen a lot worse set ups in my time. At least the film moves forward to a new place without wasting all too much time.
Later we are given hints of something mysterious going on, and when the violent and effects-driven parts of the film kick in, it's all driving, well-made and a strong slasher film with a few small surprises to spare. The nature of the story makes it stand out, giving you a traditional movie in an unusual environment. Before it's all over, I'm definitely entertained.
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
1of 2voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Halloween looks great on Blu Ray
on September 23, 2009
Posted by: Twlightfann
I must say that this blu ray version of the classic halloween is extrodinary. The picture is so clear and perfect, it doesn't even seem to be from the early eighties. I would not say anything bad about this verions. If you are a halloween fan and want the best picture you need this. Some movies on Blu Ray's look good, but this looks great, and is also a great price
To conclude this review, I highly recommend this film on Blu-Ray to see the movie in its finest home video presentation and witness, "The Night He Came Home."
I would recommend this to a friend!
3of 3voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Good Zombie film
on September 23, 2009
Posted by: Twlightfann
28 Days Later was a surprise hit, so you knew there would be a sequel. This is a decent zombie flick -- except these zombies are wicked fast runners! -- but there were just too many plot holes.
"28 Weeks Later" picks up where "28 Days Later" left off. The virus that's been turning ordinary human beings into flesh-eating zombies has apparently run its course, the infected humans have all died of starvation, and Britain is slowly being repopulated with many of the citizens who fled the scene at the start of the epidemic. One of those returnees is Don (played by Robert Carlyle), who is suffering from survivor's guilt after leaving his wife in a moment of panic to be devoured by the creatures. Or was she? Suffice it to say, it's hard to keep a good virus down and soon London is in the grip of a major new outbreak of the illness. Rose Byrne, Jeremy Renner, Imogen Poots and MacKintosh Muggleton (what a great name!) play various characters who spend the bulk of the movie running for their lives from the menace.
Zombie pictures have become such a staple of the horror movie genre that it is hard for anyone to do anything particularly novel or original with them anymore. Zombie bites human, human turns into zombie, new zombie bites another human, and on it goes ad infinitum. That scenario may have been fresh and exciting when George Romero first introduced it to the world in "Night of the Living Dead" back in 1968, but it has been diluted through repetition and overuse ever since (partly by Romero himself with his endless, ever diminishing variations on the theme). The one innovation the original "28 Days Later" came up with was to speed up the zombies' movements so that they were no longer the lumbering creatures that anyone's 85-year-old granny could easily outrun.
"28 Weeks Later" has some genuinely suspenseful moments and a nice post-apocalyptic feel in its early stretches, but, like its predecessor, it tends to devolve into a tedious shooting-gallery sideshow the longer it goes on. Director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo's hurdy-gurdy filmmaking style, which is intended to replicate the chaos and pandemonium of the situation, often leads more to confusion than to clarification for the audience. Still, the movie contains a few cool plot twists and raises some thorny ethical issues, such as whether or not innocent people are to be sacrificed if that means ensuring the safety of the population as a whole. And there is certainly more than enough bloodshed and general mayhem to keep the zombiephiles among us rooted to our seats. Even the undead can have fun with that.
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Great for Halloween
on September 23, 2009
Posted by: Twlightfann
my family are fans of the show, We just love that all the stories are based on true events and all have an element of scariness without any blood or gore. The acting sometimes isn't all that great but that kind of lends to the entertainment value. We love every show from start to finish. There are about 5 shows per DVD (3 DVD's total)and each show is about 45 minutes long (they are hour long shows on TV with commercials). We had a 2 day marathon when we got the dvd's in the mail. I highly recommend these to anyone interested in the paranormal.
What's great about it: The Haunting will certainly give you the chills
What's not so great: Wish it would be release on Blu Ray
I would recommend this to a friend!
2of 2voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
One of the best scary shows ever
on September 23, 2009
Posted by: Twlightfann
I LOVE this show. I'm a huge fan of true ghost stories and have watched a lot of them. This is by far the best. They act out a true stories of hauntings and demonic possessions and they do a great job! The acting is decent and the stories will give you chills. I think the narrator does an excellent job. His voice alone is creepy. Sometimes, the real families speak in shadow because they don't want you to know their identity, which you can't blame. What I also appreciate about the show is that they're only telling you the story. They're not necessarily looking to fix the problem, like other shows like Paranormal State, which I also love. So sometimes, at the end, they're right back where they started because they can't always get rid of the haunting or possession. If you truly love true ghost stories and can stand to have chills. I highly recommend this show.
What's great about it: Some of these episodes
What's not so great: Right now i can't think of anything
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Short review
on September 23, 2009
Posted by: Twlightfann
The ever reliable Jennifer Connelly gives another very convincing performance in this atmospheric film. The supporting cast is perfect and believable. The direction is clever and well-paced, but not heavy-handed for this genre. The scriptwriters created terrific characters and believable plot twists in this very suspenseful and eerie film.
This is another well-adapted and even improved version of the original Japanese horror flick, but it isn't in the same vein as The Grudge although it is influenced by it. It is much more subdued and darker than that film and is more character driven. Some may not like this slower, more deliberately paced chiller, but that is what gives it momentum and suspense. I think it's very well-paced for the genre it falls into which is the traditional haunted house kind of film.
As the film goes on it goes from being about pesky neighbors to a ghost story to a crime mystery and it still manages to feel like the same film. This is not the best movie ever and may not be for every body but it definitely will appeal to some. I would recommend this one to any fan of mystery films or ghost stories. By the way the ending to this is excellent.
What's great about it: Jennifer Connelly acting was great
What's not so great: Not as good as the Japanese original but watchable
I would recommend this to a friend!
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Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Nice Ghost story
on September 23, 2009
Posted by: Twlightfann
'White Noise' is one of the more enjoyable movies about the preposterous notion of communicating with the dead that I've ever seen. I'm not a Michael Keaton fan (I don't dislike him either), so I almost passed this movie over. Wow! Am I glad I didn't. This film is gripping from the start. Keaton's performance is beyond what I knew he was capable of. Setting aside the eeriness of the movie, one is intrigued by the interaction of the characters. There's a lesson to be learned here too. Don't let the life you have pass you by while trying to hold on to what is no longer there. Keaton's character becomes so engrossed with attempting to communicate with a dead loved one, that he neglects the living people that are still there in his life. And who still need him to be there for them. As for the HD version of this film, it's stunning. The standard was very well done and I didn't expect to see much difference in picture quality. Although some people smirk at the demise of HD DVD, they need to understand something important. If it weren't for HD DVD, Blu-Ray wouldn't have not been invented. Don't believe me? Read the history of the formats.
But it's all good I have a Blu-Ray player too. For instance HD DVD has always used VC-1 as it's encoding. Blu-Ray started out still using versions of MPEG. Most Blu-Ray movies now use VC-1 or equivalent, but; would they have had it not been the standard set first by their competitor? I feel that any movie which uses special effects benefits greatly from any type of Higher Definition discs. And 'White Noise' definitely does. If it is a movie you'll be watching repeatedly, and showing to others. Then, it's worth buying in either one of the Hi-Def formats.
What's great about it: A genuinely scary and intelligent horror film
What's not so great: ending
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
it's good just lower your expectations
on September 23, 2009
Posted by: Twlightfann
If you are a horror fan you will like this movie. It has all the classic horror attributes. But it also bring in the new school horror elements as well. Rob zombie tells the story in a similar manner but with twist and a deeper dive into the heart of the characters. Even to the point of making Micheal seem human and we all know he is evil incarnate!
Is this Oscar worthy? NO! But not every movie has to be perfect some times raw and imperfect works just as well! The story is told with heart but he had to stick to the story because it was a remake/retelling so he was confined into what was! The kills were there the story was there and the characters were there. It smoothly transitions from young Micheal to teen Michael to Adult killer! It stays true to the story so no worries for us HALLOWEEN fans it right up our alley!
What people need to remember is that this is just a freshening to the series not the deathnail or rebirth of the franchise! It takes what we love the Halloween series and gives it a make over! It's just a good movie not great but a really enjoyable watch even after my fifth watch of the movie
What's great about it: A Good remake
What's not so great: Just don't expect to much
I would recommend this to a friend!
1of 1voted this as helpful.
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