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Dive into a new dimension of immersion with the Razer Kraken V3 HyperSense—a PC gaming headset powered by haptic technology. From rumbling explosions to whizzing bullets, with the ability to feel what you hear, the time has come to embrace true multi-sensory gaming.
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4 out of 5
FANTASTIC Comfort/Sound! HyperSense Meh.
on November 12, 2021
Posted by: Wraith
from Rochester Hills, MI
In my old age, I have shifted my gaming sensibilities. I now care more about story than the latest graphics and I care more about comfort than sound quality. Fortunately, the Razor Kraken V3 is great for both comfort and sound quality. The new HyperSense system though is a bit weird and I turned it off after about a day of trying it out. Here are some detailed points about what I like, don't like, and am indifferent about, when it comes to these headphones.
1. Comfortable: These are some of the most comfortable headphones I have now. I bought two other gaming headphones over the last month that were supposed to be the most comfortable, but they were not. These actually have the perfect amount of padding on both the headband as well as the ear cups. The headband is so good, it is even comfortable now that I no longer have any hair on top of my head for extra padding. My only wish would be for the ear cups to have some turning ability to them. If they had that, they would be THE most comfortable headset I have. I have become convinced that I need to go back to wired headsets because having the electronics and batteries in the headset just makes them too heavy and THAT is the prime reason why many headsets just aren't that comfortable any more.
2. Sound Quality: These things sound phenomenal and you can tune them easily through the Razor software. I did run into some problems with popping and other sound artifacts, but I think that is more of an issue with my gaming laptop than the headset. I was using a pair of my audiophile quality headphones with my laptop but they are so sensitive that they were picking up some of the interference from the other laptop components. I got an external sound card and that fixed everything because it put a layer of sound processing between the headphones and the computer. The Kraken V3s sound just as good and have the same 7.1 quality as the audiophile set with the 7.1 sound card, though without the separation of the headphones from the laptop, they are picking up on that interference. Like I said, this is more of an issue with the laptop and not the headphones.
3. Razer Software: The tuning software that you can download from Razor is spectacular in that it is intuitive and comprehensive. You can tune every little thing about these headphones from their sound quality, to HyperSense intensity, to the RGB patterns. The RBG patterns can even be set up to flash certain colors for certain activities in game! It's insane the level of customization that the Chroma RGB software provides.
4. Mic Quality: I don't play a lot of games where I talk a lot, but in the one that I do (Star Trek Online), my Fleetmates, and team members all said they could hear me crystal clear with the Kraken V3. When I don't need the mic, it's easy to pull out and put in my desk drawer.
Don't Like:
1. HyperSense: I've gotten to the point where I have turned off the vibration features on my gamepads because of it just becoming annoying now and not adding any actual immersion. I had to do the same with the HyperSense. I think it is more of an issue of the software interface since there really is 'immersion' to it. It vibrates the teeth out of your head on the highest setting not because an RPG went off next to you but because the sound/music just hit a really low bass note. If it were tuned so that it had an effect that tied to the game action and not just the sound pitch, it would be much better, though I would still probably turn it off. May be a super cool feature in the future but right now it is just a gimmick and may even cost you money at the dentist to fix your teeth.
1. Light Effects: If you are a streamer, you will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fine tuning you can do of the RGB light on the Razor V3. The fact that you can tie color visual effect to in-game actions is really cool. Since I can not see my self while playing, and do not stream myself, it is largely wasted on me.
Conclusions: The Kraken V3s with HyperSense are a top notch gaming headset. That being said, if you don't need the lighting effects or want to rattle your teeth out of your head, I would recommend the standard Kraken headset instead and save a bit of money. Really I would give this 4.5 stars, but I can't do half stars.
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Keep the air in your home moisturized all day long with Pure Enrichment's MistAire XL Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier for Large Rooms. This powerful and aesthetically pleasing humidifier is packed with smart features that make it the perfect solution for improving the air quality in the dry areas of your home or office.
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How Do You Spell Relief? M-I-S-T-A-I-R-E X-L!
on November 11, 2021
Posted by: Wraith
from Rochester Hills, MI
I live in Southern California on the coast and while most days are nice and the humidity is great because of the ocean, there are days like we had and are having this week when the Santa Anna winds blow and the humidity drops to the teens, if not single digits. If you have never experienced single digit humidity, it can be quite hard on your eyes and skin. Being in the 20's is great during the hot summer days but lower than that can really stink!
We are entering the season of Santa Annas and so I got both the Pure Enrichment Mistier XL and a combo thermometer/hygrometer. I've put both to the test over the last couple of days and it has been a lifesaver! I've attached a picture of the hygrometer showing what I was dealing with in my office. It went down to 23% humidity, which is pretty darn dry. Using the Mistaire XL for about 6 hours both yesterday day and today, got the humidity back up to a high of 66% and an 'ambient' humidity of 51% when I took the picture (which as you can see from the smiley face is considered a good humidity).
Using the single nozzle on full added about 10% humidity per hour to my office. Unfortunately, it is so dry that it loses that humidity far faster than it is gained. I ran out of distilled water (don't have to use distilled but I prefer it), so the humidity will be dropping again until I can get out an buy some more water.
So what do I like so much about the Pure Enrichment Mistaire XL? Let me count the ways:
1. It's Quiet: Other than a light burbling and fan noise this thing is absolutely quiet. I think it would actually make a nice 'white noise' for sleeping.
2. Easy to Use: It doesn't get much simpler than to fill the reservoir, place it on the machine, plug it in and turn it on. All that is left is to decide if you want a dual spray of mist (better for large rooms) or just a single, and how much mist you want. As I stated above, having a single nozzle on 100% did a really good job of raising the humidity rather quickly. The dual nozzle doesn't increase the output it just does a better job of dispersing the humidity around a larger room. Since I have this next to the wall, I wanted just a single jet facing the center of the room. If you have a large bedroom or other room where this might be, I would recommend you place it in the center of the room and use the dual nozzles.
3. It's Light: When not filled with water this thing is super light. My wife and I take weekend trips all over the state, many times to the low desert regions for hiking and such and it is almost always super dry there (hence the desert part). This is now going to be packed in the back of the car now for our hotel room.
Nightlight: This is neither good nor bad from my point of view but if you are going to have a night light feature, it would probably be best to have it just be a white light. I'll never use it so it's not a big deal but the red, green, and blue are kinda useless. I suppose the red light would be ok so it doesn't blow out your night vision.
There is very little not to like about the Mistaire XL but I do have two little quibbles with it:
1. Needs a Handle or Flat Top: When filling the reservoir from a jug of distilled water and not a faucet, it can be a little awkward to do it on your own. If the reservoir had a flat top so it could rest on a counter or a handle to keep a firm grip, it would be easier.
2. No Cleaning Brush: The box says there is a cleaning brush included but I went through the thing twice and there was no brush in there. I'm not super concerned about it because I have plenty of cleaning tools, but still.
Conclusion: If you need a humidifier for your bedroom or home office, you really can't go wrong with the Mistaire XL. It gives you a great 1 gallon reserve of water, quiet operation, and it does it's job very well. For the price, it is a great option.
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The Lyric therapeutic massager is a revolutionary intelligent self-care companion that takes the guesswork out of wellness. Fitting seamlessly and stylishly into any home or lifestyle, the Lyric offers breakthrough Rhythm Therapy™ to relax and relieve pain for everybody and every body.
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EXACTLY What I Was Looking For!
on November 5, 2021
Posted by: Wraith
from Rochester Hills, MI
The Lyric Massager Stone is EXACTLY what I was looking for! In my old age everything has started to hurt and it hurts double when I’m trying to still stay active. I’ve gotten weak massagers that barely do anything, to ones that will rattle your teeth out of your head. The Lyric is right in the sweet spot. It gives you tons of control over where and how much pressure you use. Once the Lyric team puts the final touches on their App and release it to the world, this is probably going to be THE handheld massager to own.
What I Like:
1. Compact: I love that the device itself is nicely compact and yet stylish. The fact that it rests on its cradle, which also stores the other massage heads and charges it, make it perfect for just about anyone. The Lyric also comes with an extension handle that gives you extra reach for your back and other spots that may not be readily accessible. I haven’t had to use it much because, for me, the Lyric is the perfect size, shape, and weight for me to hit pretty much anywhere I need to hit.
2. Variable Power: Many of us have tried those ‘massage’ wraps from what used to be the gadget store in the mall, and they always underwhelmed (at least they did for me). I have also gotten some of the newer massagers that are really designed for serious athletes and professionals. Those ones probably do wonders in the hands of a pro but for everyday guys like me, even the lowest setting feels like I’m being beat upon and then I’ll hit a bone and shake myself silly. The Lyric Massage Stone gives you a very useful range of power. On top of that, they also use scientifically developed patterns and points that allow you to get additional benefits beyond just kneading your aching muscles. The Lyric has several built-in routines for whatever your need might be that day. Everything from energizing your muscles to get ready to relaxing to wind you down. They all hit the same parts but use different wavelengths and amplitude to maximize the power of the massage. I can’t wait for the App to roll out and expand on what is already a very useful suite of massages.
3. Multiple Massager Tips: I have stuck with the default tip since I have gotten the Lyric and it has been perfect. I know I will be able to maximize the power of the Lyric with the other tips that are included: a two-pronged tip, a smaller smooth tip, and a larger smooth tip. That is in addition to the textured tip that is a bit like a golf ball in texture. Again, as soon as that App comes out and can tell me how to best use those different tips, I know that the Lyric will become a godsend to my aching body.
4. Price: I’m assuming that if you are looking at this you have seen how expensive these things can be, at least the good ones that is. The fact that this is ‘only’ $200 is amazing. I realize that that is a lot of money for most people to spend on a self-care item, but considering that is the price of 2-3 professional 1-hour massages, I consider it a bargain. I’ve had the Lyric for several weeks now and I already feel like I have gotten $200 of value out of it, so I’m very happy with the price.
What I Don’t Like:
1. App Availability: That the App still isn’t out a month after this came out is pretty silly. It should not have hit stores without it. While the Lyric itself can guide you through a few routines, I would prefer to have an App that can go a bit more in-depth into guided massage routines. Even the website lacks any guided routines while we wait.
2. Extension Handle Connection: While the handle extension is nice, light, and easy to use, it is also not incredibly secure. They found a nice way for it to slot onto the base of the Lyric that doesn’t mar the aesthetics of the device, but it also doesn’t secure it very well, especially when you are using it to press firmly on your back and it is vibrating pretty strongly. I haven’t had the Lyric come off of the extension handle yet, but it has come close. Like I said above, I have not really needed to use it much, but I’m hesitant to use it more because I’m afraid of they Lyric coming detached and crashing to the floor. Some kind of locking mechanism would be helpful.
All-in-all I am super happy with the Lyric Massager! I have already convinced one of my wife’s friends to go get one after I let her use it just one time after we all went for a rather tough hike. Once the App hits the street and truly unlocks the potential of this device, it will hands-down be THE self-care device to get for yourself or a loved one. I’m sorry if I’m gushing a bit too much, but it really has improved my quality of life. I feel better than I have in a long time and the only thing that has changed is using the Lyric.
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Versatile and portable, the IdeaPad™ Flex 3 Chromebook measures just 19.6 mm thick and weighs 1.2 kg with a full keyboard and spacious trackpad, and can be viewed in tent, tablet, laptop or stand modes. Watch crisp visuals in high definition with its 10-point touchscreen on the 11.6" IPS display while being more productive with help from Google. Just say “Hey Google*,” to manage tasks, enjoy your entertainment, get answers, or control smart home devices.
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Judge It By Its Size Do You Not! Hmmmmm.
on October 23, 2021
Posted by: Wraith
from Rochester Hills, MI
Sorry for the Yoda reference, but it really kind of encapsulated what I thought about the Lenovo Flex 3 after using it for a week so far. While it is not a powerhouse to be used for high-end games or graphic design, it is absolutely perfect for a travel laptop or one to have around the house when you want something easy and light to use for surfing, typing, and other light duties. I wanted it for travel and to have in my library/den. I have yet to go anywhere with it but I have been using it on my lap desk while kicked back in my recliner. It has been perfect for surfing and sending/responding to emails. I enjoy having the keyboard rather than using a tablet, and while it may not be quite up to the standards of the top-end Lenovo keyboard (which tend to be my favorite), it is still remarkably good for a laptop at this price point.
I've never been a huge fan of the Chrome ecosystem, but it's expansion into the education space combined with its maturity now as an OS have made it much more useful. With programs such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Lightroom now having full apps available, it no longer feels like you are giving up much by using a Chromebook vs. a Mac or PC. The Google store could still use a bit more curating and filtering options but that too has gotten better over the years.
The screen, while only a 11.6" FHD (1920x1080), looks remarkably sharp at this size. I have a favorite background image that I also use on my iMac and they both look sharp and bright despite the Mac being a vastly superior screen. My only quibble with the screen is that they really need to move Chromebooks to 4:3 aspect ratio since they are predominantly used for surfing/online programs. With that ratio vs. the widescreen, you wouldn't have to scroll quite as much.
My only other 'complaint' that really isn't a complaint is that the small form factor of the laptop does not give you a ton of room for a trackpad, especially when they give you such a good sized keyboard. While there is nothing wrong with how it works, it does seem to take a bit more time to move the cursor about the screen. This has been easily fixed with the purchase of a relatively inexpensive (sub-$30) mouse that is design for Chromebooks.
I'm going to end the review on a high note. My greatest surprise has been the battery life on this thing. I charged the laptop up fully prior to it's first use and since then I have used it for quite a few hours. The battery still hasn't gone below 75%! That combined with the nice USB-C charge port (which is great since I already have a 100W charge brick with multiple USB-C charge cords for my other devices), makes this a great travel device since it can share the same charger as my other devices and saves on space.
All-in-all, the Lenovo Flex 3 is a great little laptop that can either be a great secondary device for travel or even as a primary laptop for a child or adult who doesn't need a desktop replacement. Definitely recommend.
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The JAXJOX Dumbbell is a digital dumbbell set offering two adjustable dumbbells ranging from 8-50 pounds each. Select your weight with a touch of a button.
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Pleasantly Surprised! Needs a Stand Though.
on October 3, 2021
Posted by: Wraith
from Rochester Hills, MI
My doctor recently advised me to add in some more strength training into my workout regimen. Currently it is mostly all cardio, but he recommended that at my age (almost 50) I need the strength training to help keep off weight and maintain bone strength. I hate going to gyms, so I decided to look into some home gear. I don't have a lot of space to set up a big system so the most I can pack into a smaller package the better. I decided to start with dumbbells since my upper body is neglected more than my legs and core since I mostly hike/bike/run. While the JAXJOX system is not cheap, it also isn't necessarily cheap to buy individual sets of dumbbells at different weights. I also am a data geek and want to be able to track my strength training workouts the way I do my cardio ones (plus I want to prove to my doc that I'm actually following his advice).
Fair warning, your delivery driver is going to hate you. When my driver showed up at my door, he was a bit flustered. For being a relatively compact box, it weighs about 110lbs. Told him that it was a multiple weight dumbbell set and while he understood, I could definitely hear grumbling as he walked away. Everything is packed well in some nice high density foam so they were all in perfect shape once I got them unpacked.
Set-up was easy, put the extra weight plates in each dock, slotted in the core weights, and plugged in the docks. I did run into a bit of a problem here in that the supplied USB-A to USB-C cables are maybe 3-4 feet in length, and where I wanted to set them up is not that close to a plug. They also do not supply a USB charging brick so I had to grab one of my own. I was happy to see that the docks take USB-C plugs because I have been trying to shift all my cables to that and I'm almost there with everything except my phones. With that said, I grabbed one of my newer charging bricks that had two slightly longer USB-C to USB-C cables attached. Plugged them in and.... nothing. The dumbbells would not wake up or charge. Tried a bunch of things but nothing worked. Finally, I dug out an older USB-A charger and used the supplied cables after moving the weights closer to a plug. What do you know, that was the problem. You can not use a high power charging brick with these. Either that or they didn't like the cables. Try to stick with the ones that come in the box if you can. Next, I fired up the JaxJox app that I had already downloaded to my phone and synced the dumbbells up. They connected fairly fast and once I was done tinkering around a bit in the app, I let the dumbbells and the dock charge up for the night.
Here is where I ran into my first minor problem. At about 10pm, right when I'm getting ready to go to sleep, I hear a beep. It is pretty quiet in the house and I have the windows open so I'm not sure where it came from but now I can hear it about every 15 seconds or so. I head downstairs and see that one of the docks has its screen lit up and it shows that the dock is almost finished charging. What I don't understand is why it has to beep. The other base was fully charged and it didn't beep. So I picked up the core dumbbell and re-seated it into the dock to see if that would help, and that seemed to have done the trick, but then about a minute later it did it again. The only way I was able to get it to stop was to unplug them. The charge has lasted the last five or so days, so I don't think they have to be plugged in the whole time, but be aware of this if you do.
My first workout was a pretty straightforward one of multiple sets of arm curls just to see how the tracking software works. The software did a good job tracking the number of reps but for some reason it counted more sets than what I did. I couldn't find any default number of reps that equals a set nor could I find a way to set my own. I'm still working on figuring that one out. Either way, I completed my workout that morning, and did a few other workouts throughout that day and the next.
I've never taken a fitness class before, unless you consider a drill instructor yelling at me to do more flutter kicks to be a fitness class! I decided to try the classes that are in the app. You get a free month of membership when you sign on so you can check out if they are for you or not. You can narrow your class choices by device (JaxJox makes other workout devices as well), they type of exercise, time, and teacher. I picked one with Coach Darsenio that was a 45 minute Dumbbell Circuit (it was the first one to pop up). I was able to cast the video and sound to my TV via AirPlay and we were off and running. Like literally. One of the first exercises was a high knee/arm curl exercise that mimicked running in place. Now he had us using just the core 8lb weight so it wasn't too bad but I could see this being a killer with more weight. I was surprised that he wasn't annoying. He didn't yell, and he didn't say I was doing a great job (even though they can't see you and for all they know I could be on my couch eating a pint of ice cream), which are two things that really bug me about other recorded/televised workouts I've seen advertised. I did not complete the entire 45 minutes, because I was not quite prepared for a workout of that length yet. The next day I did one of the 15 minute ones and added on some exercises of my own.
Oh, I almost forgot to write about probably the most important feature of these dumbbells! The fact that you can change the weight on the dumbbells rapidly. With the core dumbbell on the dock you can raise and lower the weight of each dumbbell by 6lbs at a time (3lbs at each end). There are 14 plates on each dock (7 at each end) for a total combined weight of 50lbs if you max it out. It's easy to just hit the up and down buttons on each dock to change the weight and it takes just a second to two to make it happen. You can also use the app to change the weight, though I'm not sure how that would be easier than the docks since you have to be at the docks to change the weight anyway, but hey, you can if you want. I was a little afraid that the weights would rattle or move to0 much when doing the exercises but they are pretty stable on each dumbbell. I had read in a review prior to getting these that it was difficult to place the weight back into the dock because the plates lean in and block a smooth controlled drop into the dock, but I didn't find that to be the case. Whether JaxJox changed the plate configuration, or the other person set up theirs wrong, the plates stay vertical and in place so it is an easy slide into place when done with your workout or changing weights.
If I had one major quibble with the JaxJox Dumbbell Connect system, it is that there is no stand for them. Well, there is, but it is part of their complete home gym system and not a standalone rack. It really could use one so that I don't have to go all the way to the ground to pick-up/change/drop the weights. Right now they are on a counter but that is a bit too high to be comfortable either. Other weight sets like these have a stand accessory, and I would appreciate JaxJox making one available as well. That, plus the little power/beeping issues take it down a star for me. Otherwise, this is a great home workout device that cuts down on clutter and provides a pretty decent app/workout experience.
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Introducing MX Keys Mini for Mac, a smaller, smarter, and mightier minimalist wireless keyboard with a layout for Mac made for creators. The minimalist form factor provides improved ergonomics by aligning your shoulders and allowing you to place your mouse closer to your keyboard for less arm reaching, more comfort, and better body posture. Perfect Stroke keys are shaped for your fingertips with optimal key stability and tactile responsiveness to keep you oriented and in your flow. The backlit keys light up the moment your hands approach, and automatically adjust to suit changing lighting conditions. Smart Dictation, Mic Mute/Unmute and Emoji keys streamline your workflow even further.
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My PERFECT Mac Keyboard Has Arrived!
on September 30, 2021
Posted by: Wraith
from Rochester Hills, MI
I'm going to preface this review with an admission that I'm a Logitech fanboy. They have been on a roll for years with outstanding accessories for just about every platform out there. I had the Craft keyboard on my work PC, my wife uses the full size MX Keys for her office, I used the awesome Presenter remote when I was still teaching, and all of our mice are Logitech in some form or another. The one thing I needed, a MX Keys keyboard for my Mac at home, has just arrived and it is all that I hoped it would be (with one slight exception).
I actually don't hate the Magic keyboard the Apple packs in with their Macs, but it certainly isn't my favorite. I absolutely HATE the Magic Mouse and so that was replaced with the MX Anywhere 3 for Mac immediately. Now I have the set and my fingers couldn't be happier. Now I get a nice, solid keyboard, with just the right amount of travel for the keys, a backlight (if I want it), and some nice feature keys.
The main selling point for me is that it makes typing on my Mac (which I do A LOT of), much more comfortable and precise. Really, what more could you ask for in a keyboard? I don't want, nor need the numeric keypad (I had the Mac keyboard without the numpad as well). This thing tucks neatly under my Mac when not in use and doesn't take up a ton of desk space when it is in use.
My only quibble with my Logitech ensemble for Mac is that Apple seems to want to make it as difficult as possible to use anything other than the Magic accessories. Huh! Apple make things difficult for 3rd party developers, you don't say! They have done something that makes the Logitech Options software a bit wonky. Something that doesn't happen on Windows PCs. Because of this, if you have Options installed, you may get some features blocked my MacOS. I have had better luck just pairing the both the MX Keys Mini and MX Anywhere mouse directly and not using the Options software. As much as I would like to use it, Apple puts up too many roadblocks. That being said, I have all the functions I need and want from my Logitech devices so it hasn't really been an issue.
If you have a Mac, do yourself and your hands a favor and pick up the Logitech Keys Mini for Mac. You won't be disappointed.
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Connect additional ports to your device with this Satechi USB-C multi-port adapter. The two USB-A 3.0 ports transfer data from storage drives, while the USB-C port supports fast charging. This Satechi USB-C multi-port adapter features a compact design to seamlessly fit in your backpack, and the HDMI port connects external displays to show 4K videos.
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Outstanding Compact USB-C Hub!
on September 30, 2021
Posted by: Wraith
from Rochester Hills, MI
I have just recently purchased an ultraportable laptop so that I can do research and writing for the book I've had bouncing around in my head for years. As you probably well know, while ultraportables are awesome for taking on the go, they do tend to shaft you when it comes to ports. Heck, the one I have doesn't even have a normal power plug, it's USB-C! That leaves me with one USB-C port to plug everything else into when I'm on mains. Normally this isn't much of an issue but there are times when I'm at the library when I need to plug a few things in such as a memory stick, portable scanner, or whatever gadget I need at that time.
The Satechi 7-1 Multiport Adapter is exactly what I needed. Pretty much every port I could need, all packed into a slim and light device that doesn't take away from the ultra-portable that it's paired with. When I don't need it, it slips easily into the slim laptop bag that it tote everything around in. All-in-all, a prefect mobile writing/research platform.
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Take your weeknight dinner to the next level with the Bella Pro 5.3-qt Digital See Through Air Fryer. With a large 5.3-qt capacity, entire meals for the whole family can be ready in no time. The High Performance Circular Heat Technology and the powerful 1700-watt heating system delivers fast, crispy and evenly cooked food every time. Featuring a large digital display with capacitive touch control on the top of the fryer, an extra-large viewing window, and a bright interior light, it’s simple to cook your food to perfection. When the cooking is done, simply place the dishwasher-safe fry basket on the top rack for an easy clean up.
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Outstanding Air Fryer! Learned Size Is Key!
on September 17, 2021
Posted by: Wraith
from Rochester Hills, MI
I tried using an air fryer from a very nice brand several years ago, and no matter what I tried it was always 'meh'. It would cook things but not necessarily better nor faster. It was about half the size of the Sensio Bella Pro 5.3 QT and even though there are only two of us in the house, it never really cooked enough. With the 5.3 QT Bella Pro I no longer have that problem. I can cook enough AND it seems to cook faster and better, so maybe it was the size of the air fryer that makes the difference.
I've only had the Sensio Bella Pro for a few days so I haven't gotten to try everything but what I have tried (French Fries, frozen empanadas, fresh meatballs) has turned out great. I also really like the fact that I can see into the air fryer to keep tabs on everything. I don't have to open things up to check on them (and mess with the cooking), nor do I have to worry about overcooking them.
While the Sensio Bella Pro 5.3QT air fryer is a large device, it at least looks nice, and fits easily in a cupboard when not in use. It's also a breeze to clean; pop it in the dishwasher and you are done.
All-in-all I am very pleased with this Air Fryer and I'm looking forward to trying out new recipes over the coming weeks.
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Designed for Xbox, the RIG 500 PRO HX Gen 2 is everything gamers loved about the Gen 1 edition, with an upgrade. Featuring an all-new steel frame which is lightweight, highly durable and flexible. The dual-material ear cushions help block outside noise while also providing enduring comfort. Signature RIG exoskeleton earcups encompass low distortion 50mm drivers that are engineered for 3D game audio. Including a 2-year Dolby Atmos activation code, you can now react faster and more accurately as you can detect the distance and direction of your threats.
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5 out of 5
Outstanding Sound & Comfort!
on September 14, 2021
Posted by: Wraith
from Rochester Hills, MI
I have had the previous version of the RIG 500 since June of 2018 and the COVID quarantine has not been kind to them. While I have gotten in a ton of gaming, they have gotten a lot of wear and tear. When I saw that there was a new version of these, I jumped on them because the previous version was/is one of my favorite gaming headsets of all time. Why are they my favorites and why is the RIG 500 Pro HX an outstanding replacement/upgrade, well here's why:
1. Comfortable: The earpads on these are insanely thick and comfy but despite that, they don't get hot. Since the part that directly touches your face is cloth, it breathes better than many that are just pleather. Also, the hammock headband is really nice, though it has gotten less nice over the years but that is because of my rapidly declining hair situation and not the headset.
2. Sound: I have had the Dolby Atmos App since it launched and the RIG series takes great advantage of that. Both on my previous Xbox One, my PC, and now my Xbox Series X, you get phenomenal sound and detail. To this day, I'm still sometimes shocked at the sound details this brings out in games. You find out that some game developers do a really nice job with directional audio and environmental sound. You also find out which ones don't as well.
Ease of Use: I used to be a big wireless headset fan but years of throwing them away when the battery burned out and the constant charging (or leaving them plugged in when they were low on battery), really kind of soured me on them. Plus you would also often get volume drop-off as the battery put out less 'omph'. Being able to just plug these into the controller gives me the same freedom from my console without having to worry if they are charged or not and the sound is pretty much constant.
Now there are a few quibbles that I had with the previous version of the RIG which unfortunately carried over to this new pair.
1. Use With Eyeglasses: While the padding makes the RIG 500 series comfortable and does a great job with passive noise cancelation, it also can make wearing glasses uncomfortable depending on the thickness of your frames. I'm usually good for an hour or two, but much more than that and I need a break for ears.
2. Head Size Adjustment: Unlike most headsets that have a smoothly variable arm for adjusting the position of the earpieces, the RIG 500 has three channels that lock the pads into place. While this is great for keeping them from creeping up or down and needing constant readjustment, it also gives you less variability for your noggin. I have a pretty oval head and I have to have them on the longest (bottom) set of holes. I would probably like just a smidge more length to make them perfect. If you are on the extremes head size, you may find that the RIG 500s don't adjust to you as well as some other headset might.
Overall: For the price, comfort, sound quality, and build quality, you CAN NOT do better than the RIG 500 Pro HX headset. If you want to squeeze the best audio you can out of your games without breaking the bank, go out and get yourself these headphones.
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The best bedroom Smart Clock just got even better. The Lenovo Smart Clock Gen 2 with Wireless Charging Dock keeps your nightstand clutter free. Charge up to two additional devices at once: your phone (using the wireless dock) and another accessory, like a smart watch (using the USB port). The 4“ color touchscreen showcases the time, weather and your family photos with a choice of customizable clock faces or check in on your smart cameras feeds before bed. Enhanced with a built-in nightlight when docked, the light is just bright enough to illuminate your way without waking your partner. With multiroom audio, you can add your Lenovo Smart Clock Gen 2 to a speaker group and play media across multiple devices and rooms.
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Customer Rating
3 out of 5
REALLY Wanted To Like This, But 3.5 Stars As Is.
on September 10, 2021
Posted by: Wraith
from Rochester Hills, MI
I have had the same clock radio/alarm next to my bed for years and I was really looking forward to the Lenovo - Smart Clock 2 bringing my nightstand into the 21st Century. But as it stands right now, I think I'm going back to my old clock radio.
Let's start off with the positives, of which there are many.
1. Looks Nice: The gray cloth covering looks great, and the charging/nightlight stand integrates so well into a sharp looking device.
2. Compact: Doesn't take up too much space on my nightstand. I still have plenty of room for the stack of books and magazines that normally inhabit my nightstand.
3. Beautiful Touchscreen: Despite it being a smallish touchscreen, it is highly responsive and looks great in all light environments. It can adjust itself to ambient lighting conditions and I have found that it does a very good job of being at the 'correct' light level, though I did turn on the ability to go really dark at night, and that was perfect.
4. Great Sound: For being so small, the Smart Clock 2 can get pretty loud, more than enough to listen to music while getting ready in the bathroom or puttering around. It sounds nice too, not like it is coming from such a small speaker.
5. Google Integration: Using the Google Home App you can set up a TON of features and media sources. You can get weather, sports stats, drive times, or make a call all with a 'Hey Google'. If you are deeply ingrained in the Google environment, there is probably nothing you can't do with this.
6. Easy Charging: The Charge Dock seems to have a nice large 'sweet spot' and it is easy to just drop my iPhone on it and have it start charging right away. That being said, it only charges my iPhone 12Pro at 7.5W.
Now the not-so-greats:
1. Non-Google Integration is Non-Existent: If the app/service is not blessed by Google, it ain't here. I actually prefer to stream my music from my iPhone library since I have spend decades building a music collection that I love. I have yet to be able to figure out how to get it to stream music from the Music App on my iPhone.
2. Device Settings on the Clock: There is a dearth of settings that you can actually do on the clock without talking to it. If you don't want to talk (say someone is asleep beside you), and you want to change some setting, it ain't so easy. Also, there aren't a lot of options accessible from the device itself.
3. The Clock Face: Right now there are surprisingly few clock faces to choose from. This would seem like an easy thing to have available, but there are maybe six different faces and what few are there don't take advantage of the screen very well. I liked the weather face the best since it conveyed the most amount of information but even it is lacking. I have the temp, time, and conditions (cloudy/sunny/fog), and that is it. Can I not get a month/day on there? Now Lenovo may be able to add faces and features via an update in the future but out of the box, it is pretty bland.
4. The Wireless Charging Dock Plastic: This may seem like a nit-picky thing but I HATE Lenovo's choice of plastic on this. It is a speckled gray that instead of looking nice, just looks like it is dusty and I keep trying to wipe it off. Just go solid on this.
5. Google Integration: Other than email, I don't do anything with Google. I don't want to do anything with Google either, so my options for integration are few and far between. I put in some miscellaneous data into the Home App just to try things out, but frankly I don't want Google knowing that much about me and I sure as heck don't want it listening to me in my bedroom. If you turn off the mic on this, you lose most of the functionality of the Smart Clock 2. I was probably wrong to get this, but I always assume that there is an old-school mode for devices but it would seem that time is going away in favor of linking everything. Not a fan of this trend.
Final Thoughts:
As a device, Lenovo build a nice, compact, and highly functional piece of electronics (even if their choice of plastics stinks). There is absolutely ZERO wrong with the form and function of the Smart Clock 2. Software-wise, I'm not sure what is Lenovo and what is Google. Either way, I think the core functionality is a tad too limited.
If you are deeply rooted in the Google universe and have an Android phone, you will get the most out of this Smart Clock. If you have an iPhone and are in the Apple ecosphere, you will not. If you value privacy, this is just a fancy charging base, if you are willy-nilly with your information, this thing can do a ton for you.
For me, it's a let down but I would not seem to be the intended market. Oh well.
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No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
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Wraith's Review Comments
Make driving routines more enjoyable with this OverDryve car system. Its voice assistant capabilities let you read and send text messages by command and also play music in your car without taking your hands off the wheel. The built-in dash cam of this OverDryve car system lets you record trips and capture every moment on the road.
Overall5 out of 55 out of 5
No-Brainer If You Want A Great All-In-One System
By Wraith
I wondered about creating a GPS system nowadays with so many people having their smartphones with their own GPS functionality or with most cars coming with some kind of infotainment system, but after using the OverDryve 7 for the last two weeks, I think it is a great system and is a no-brainer for anyone looking to add GPS functionality to their car.
First off, my favorite thing about this device is the mounting bracket. I kid you not. One of the things I always hated about car GPS systems was having to lock it in place and reconnect the power and such. In the process of doing that I would invariably mess with my carefully set up positioning and would have to do it all over again. The Overdryve has an awesome bracket that you keep set up in your car and plugged in to everything and the Overdryve unit itself links via magnets and the connections are made through little contacts on the back. Easy-peasy. On top of that, the basestation also has an additional GPS antenna to improve location accuracy. Now I have rarely had problems with previous GPS devices and but the additional antenna could probably help when you are in the 'canyons' of the city, though I haven't gone downtown to try it yet.
The GPS system is great. While my car has one built in, it acts a bit too much like my mother and won't let me input anything if I am not at a complete stop. My wife can't even do it from the passenger seat because if we are moving at all it completely locks out the GPS controls. I understand why, but it would be nice for some kind of override. With the Overdryve, we don't have to worry about that. She just plucks the device from the mount, types in the destination and clicks it back into place. The guidance voice is kind of grating but so is my wife yelling directions at me from her phone!
I played around with the handsfree and entertainment applications and they are fine, but my car handles that pretty seamlessly, so I don't think I will be using that function of the Overdryve. The voice commands are much more responsive than those for my car system so I will give it that. The other thing I don't have to worry about is the backup camera or tire pressure monitor, because my car already has that, but if your car doesn't, this is a really cool feature. While each of those systems is an add-on, they are both only about $150 each and I guarantee I paid more for that functionality from the auto maker.
As for the Overdryve also being an Android tablet, and can be used off the mount like any other tablet, it is true that it can do so, but it is a little bulky for that and it is an Android tablet with all that entails. Sorry, I have an iPad and I can't really see myself ever using this as just a regular tablet, but perhaps if you forgot yours and you have a fussy kid in the back and want to send it to the back seat to quiet them down, this could be a lifesaver.
Now for my few quibbles with the device. I had a little trouble syncing it to my phone for the first few tries but after I did a phone restart I didn't have a problem and it had maintained the sync no problem, so it could have been my phone and not the Overdryve. My only other problem is the name. Seriously, Overdryve?! I realize that Overdrive was probably taken but I kind of feel like some hipster should be on TV telling me how 'swaggy' this thing is. Every time I have had to type Overdryve into this review, I have had to roll my eyes and they are getting tired.
In summary, if you want a great functioning GPS system, and that is all, this is a phenomenal GPS and it costs about the same as other 7-inch GPS systems. If you need the functionality of an infotainment system, and want the ability to add safety features like a back-up camera and tire pressure monitoring, this is a no-brainer because you get all of that for the price of a basic 7" GPS. On top of all that, you get a fully functional Android tablet! I really can't see why anyone would buy any other standalone car GPS system now that this is out. Even if you don't need the other functions, they are nice to have and Rand McNally has created the best GPS device I have ever used, for the same price as other systems. Seriously, this is the unit to get.
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Rochester Hills, MI
Dash Cam!
September 25, 2016
I totally forgot about the dash cam function of this. Yet another feature that makes this a no-brainer. I have not had much experience with dash cams but this one works well. Now let's just hope I don't end up on one of those dash cam compilation videos on YouTube!
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Revel in immersive audio with this retro-style Ion Boombox Deluxe portable stereo. Dual full-range speakers deliver impressive sound reproduction, while Bluetooth technology, USB playback, an AM FM radio and a built-in cassette player offer vast entertainment options. This Ion Boombox Deluxe portable stereo comes with a long-lasting rechargeable battery for convenience.

What are the dimensions of this product?

16.73"W x 5.9"D x 9.6"H according to the users guide.
4 years, 11 months ago
Revel in immersive audio with this retro-style Ion Boombox Deluxe portable stereo. Dual full-range speakers deliver impressive sound reproduction, while Bluetooth technology, USB playback, an AM FM radio and a built-in cassette player offer vast entertainment options. This Ion Boombox Deluxe portable stereo comes with a long-lasting rechargeable battery for convenience.

How many watts is this radio ?

28 watts according to the users guide.
4 years, 11 months ago
Experience legendary performance and sound of ASTRO Audio V2, with the convenience and freedom that comes without wires. The A50 Wireless + Base Station for Xbox One/PC delivers premium acoustics, ergonomics, comfort and durability that gamers demand. The all-new Base Station provides clear, low-latency voice communication, while making headset pairing and charging simple. The ASTRO Command Center software allows Pros and Live streamers to tune every input and output parameter of the A50 precisely for their specific setup. Experience absolute audio immersion with the A50 Wireless + Base Station.

Can it connect to any xbox one even the xbox Scarlett that's coming soon?

It should since its connection to the Xbox is primarily the optical cable which I'm 100% sure Microsoft will have available on the next console as well.
5 years, 1 month ago
Acer Nitro 5 Laptop: Lose yourself in the absorbing multimedia experience delivered by this Acer Nitro 5 gaming laptop. The Intel Core i5 processor ensures a lag-free performance, and the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 graphics card delivers immersive visuals on the 15.6-inch Full HD display. This Acer Nitro 5 gaming laptop has 8GB of RAM for seamless multitasking.

Does this support hdmi 1.4

Mine is showing HDMI 2.0b, so should be backwards compatible with 1.4.
5 years, 3 months ago
Acer Nitro 5 Laptop: Lose yourself in the absorbing multimedia experience delivered by this Acer Nitro 5 gaming laptop. The Intel Core i5 processor ensures a lag-free performance, and the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 graphics card delivers immersive visuals on the 15.6-inch Full HD display. This Acer Nitro 5 gaming laptop has 8GB of RAM for seamless multitasking.

Does this have the 144 Hz panel?

It does have a nice 144 Hz panel. Even though it is only a regular HD panel, I have to say it looks great.
5 years, 3 months ago
Take your playlist with you by using these noise-cancelling Sony headphones. Their 40mm drivers with liquid crystal polymer diaphragms fill your ears with booming audio to immerse you in songs, and they're ergonomically designed to provide comfort during extended listening sessions. These Sony headphones have a proprietary noise-cancelling processor, so you can immerse yourself in the music.Industry Leading Noise Cancellation. *As of August 30, 2018. According to research by Sony Corporation measured using JEITA-compliant guidelines. In headband-style of wireless noise-canceling headphones market.

Will these work while on an airplane watching their movies.

If you bring along the cord, then yes, they will work beautifully. They changed the case on the XM3s and it is much easier to bring that cord, the airline adapter (which I haven't used in over a decade), and the charge cable. They all fit nicely between the ear cups.
6 years ago
Take your playlist with you by using these noise-cancelling Sony headphones. Their 40mm drivers with liquid crystal polymer diaphragms fill your ears with booming audio to immerse you in songs, and they're ergonomically designed to provide comfort during extended listening sessions. These Sony headphones have a proprietary noise-cancelling processor, so you can immerse yourself in the music.Industry Leading Noise Cancellation. *As of August 30, 2018. According to research by Sony Corporation measured using JEITA-compliant guidelines. In headband-style of wireless noise-canceling headphones market.

I have the Sony brand, WH-CH700N, which I am very pleased with. Are there any differences between these two models when it comes to the headband or they the same. To me the pictures and the descriptions look the same.

These are better in virtually every single way than the WH-CH700Ns. I've used both and the sound quality, the noise cancelling, and the comfort are better in the XM3, and that is why that cost a bit more. The 700s are really good, the WX3s are the best NC headphones on the market.
6 years ago
Take your playlist with you by using these noise-cancelling Sony headphones. Their 40mm drivers with liquid crystal polymer diaphragms fill your ears with booming audio to immerse you in songs, and they're ergonomically designed to provide comfort during extended listening sessions. These Sony headphones have a proprietary noise-cancelling processor, so you can immerse yourself in the music.Industry Leading Noise Cancellation. *As of August 30, 2018. According to research by Sony Corporation measured using JEITA-compliant guidelines. In headband-style of wireless noise-canceling headphones market.

Can someone tell me about the “California Proposition 65” warning when buying on Amazon?

Darn near everything gets the Proposition 65 warning that states the potential for some chemical that is in the thing can cause cancer... in mice.... at doses no human would ever experience. They want to put a Prop 65 warning on coffee for Pete's sake! Disregard it and enjoy your headphones. Buy them from Best Buy anyway, you are already here.
6 years ago
Take your playlist with you by using these noise-cancelling Sony headphones. Their 40mm drivers with liquid crystal polymer diaphragms fill your ears with booming audio to immerse you in songs, and they're ergonomically designed to provide comfort during extended listening sessions. These Sony headphones have a proprietary noise-cancelling processor, so you can immerse yourself in the music.Industry Leading Noise Cancellation. *As of August 30, 2018. According to research by Sony Corporation measured using JEITA-compliant guidelines. In headband-style of wireless noise-canceling headphones market.

How many watts does the adapter need to be to allow for quick charging?

I don't think it is a matter of wattage, it is just the way the Li-Ion batteries work. They are much easier to fill up when they are empty then they are when they are above 80%. I have an electric car and I can get the first 150 miles on in just a few hours but it takes a lot more time to tack on the final 100. It is almost like you need more pressure to shove in those remaining electrons in all the empty spaces.
6 years ago
Take your playlist with you by using these noise-cancelling Sony headphones. Their 40mm drivers with liquid crystal polymer diaphragms fill your ears with booming audio to immerse you in songs, and they're ergonomically designed to provide comfort during extended listening sessions. These Sony headphones have a proprietary noise-cancelling processor, so you can immerse yourself in the music.Industry Leading Noise Cancellation. *As of August 30, 2018. According to research by Sony Corporation measured using JEITA-compliant guidelines. In headband-style of wireless noise-canceling headphones market.

Are they louder than the xm2?

Not that I have noticed. They can get plenty loud though. I usually have my music player set at about the 40-50% level and then adjust from there with the headphones, and I can blow my eardrums out if I want.
6 years ago