The Form 1040 part works well except when it issues an error re your medical insurance coverage. You will have to find the appropriate entry form yourself. The business part (Forms 1120, 990 et al.) has a persisting issue over several years back with date formats, it issues an error message with dates 03/21/2020 and 03-21-2020. A date pop-up window where you select the date from a table would resolve this. This prevents the user from e-filing the tax return and it takes a lot of time to get around this. The business tax preparation part of this software does NOT compare well with the personal tax preparation area. It appears weak and deficient in several areas, obviously this tax solution area is also much more complex. The vexing part is that on form 1120 takeover from a previous year you have to switch all ownership questions from YES back to NO again.
Screenshot technology dosen't work.... it scrambled some of the numbers on the W2... then at the end of the program when the IRS rejects the return.... it only tells you that something is wrong on the W2.... so you have to scroll through the steps and examine each one to determine where the error is..... it doesn't just tell you. Very frustrating.
The Federal part is OK, have been using it for years, but the State (Ohio) is wrong. Business income is exempt from state tax, but H&R Block business income deduction worksheet doesn't work correctly. I tried re-entering the profit and wage numbers, but it won't add them together and deduct them like the free Ohio online form does. I looked at last year's form, and found out it was incorrect also, and I received a smaller refund than I was entitled to. I tried to call H&R, but there was a 30 minute wait.