I file for an LLC as a partnership. The H&RB interview should guide the filer through all the crazy questions the IRS asks of partnerships (e.g., international activities). There is so much opportunity to provide useful advice and explanations which HR&B ignores. Because LLCs are pass through entities, one would expect a smooth integration between Business and Personal. Again, H&RB misses the opportunity. All the K-1 schedule information must be entered manually. As soon as a better platform comes on the market, I will migrate to it, and I look every year out of frustration with the challenges I will inevitably experience with H&RB.
Too many glitches this year and impossible install
on June 11, 2022
Posted by: Anonymous
from Heath, MA
Verified Purchase:Yes
I've used their products for years but this year, the install was almost impossible, and tech support was even overwhelmed in their guidance. I would switch to another company if I could be guaranteed it would handle importing all the old taxes. They really need to spend more money on their software development, and also do it early enough in the year to work out the glitches before January which is when those of us who file 1041's have to prepare in order to get K-1's out to beneficiaries.
The issue with the current program is that if a family files separate returns in a community property state, such as Texas, the IRS requires filing a Form 8958, Allocation of Tax Amounts Between Certain Individuals in a Community Property State with the Return. However, once the form is completed and part of the Married Filing Jointly Return if you attempt to E-File the return, an "Accuracy Review Result Message" will appear stating there is a return Inconsistency which indicates that you have to file a Form 8958, even though there is one already done and part of the return. So, therefore, the program will not allow E-filing but the Tax Payer is required to mail in the return, which in part defeats obtaining a Tax Program that allows E-Filing.