Horrible buggy. Data validation error programming that haven't been fixed in years. "Your state wages in box 16 do not equal your federal wages in box 1" I experienced this bug 5 years ago. Now there are other issues with puling the correct data through to the State versions. I'm done with this software.
It was a little confusing and accidentally entered I formation 2x and could not individually delete it making me start that section again...pretty user friendly.
Worthless software! It disgusts me that it's the lesser of two evils (TurboTax). I fill out the income sections EXACTLY the way the info appears on my various 1099's and W-2's, and it STILL triggers "error" notices. And there is NO way for me to fix the problems.
This software has a mix of good and bad features. The good is that direct entry into forms is efficient. On the negaside, I’m having difficulties with the results of 1099-R entries where the treating certain distributions don’t appear the accurate.