My income taxes are not too complicated, but I need the refund to pay off some debts. The information was entered into the tax program and my return was submitted electronically without any problems. Very satisfied.
Easy to use. Directions for viewing the completed return in the absence of a printer are nonexistent. THAT is frustrating. I eventually found the "form" but was pretty tense by then. The other small problem is when you have to enter any state estimated taxes paid. We don't itemize deductions so missed that entirely and had to back track. That should be brought to filers' attention before they start their state return. Outside of those two problems I found it easy to understand and complete.
I find the software very comprehensive and easy to use. My only complaint is that I would like to have an additional 1099-ssa available since I receive a pension from Canada in addition to social security.
Pros: Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund, Easy to import documents
The program was difficult to fit with my own situation—going from being the spouse of the taxpayer when the taxpayer died to being the taxpayer herself.