It is really good. There are occasions when you need to override. If you have a tax background, no problem. If not, there is little explanation as to when and why you should override. That is an area for continued improvement.
No meaningful phone support or chat. Software does not have option for some entries and changed my filing status in some places. Waited on hold 20-50 min.multiple times and often was cut off. When waded through enough phone menus and finally got in queue to actually talk to someone, static would be so bad that I barely could understand the person. This happened routinely. I didn't find one person who knew the answer to some basic questions about the problems with the software. Each time I got put on hold while they went to look up the answer or consult with someone else. One time the person did not come back despite telling me to make sure I waited. After 20 min.or so, I hung up. I finally decided I'd spring for paying extra to talk to one of their online professionals. You can't access them directly: you have to go through the main number and explain what you want. Each time I was cut off when they did the transfer. The last time I called, they told me the service wasn't available. I finally went in to see a tax advisor in person, who told me even they couldn't get through without a long wait and that it had gotten worse over the last few years. Last year was my first year using H&R Block. I bought the online version, had some of the problems I described here, but thought this year would be easier since my basic information would be filled in. Wrong: the system keeps a pdf of the return, but you have to fill everything in again, including all items for depreciation. So I then bought the version you download and store locally and am told it should now be easy for next year, but I'm skeptical that my experience will improve.