Easy to use with question and answer format along with topic help and search functions guiding me through our tax prep. We have used year after year and prior year basic information auto populates and financial data can be imported. Premium handles all aspects of our income, including self employment well. E-filing option makes submission simple including setting-up automatic payments or refunds to bank accounts. Fastest way we've found to get refunds which typical come within days or a couple weeks at most. We believe there is an advantage to having the HR Block name on our submission as well and knowing if there ever is a problem we have the HR Block Guarantee to fall back on.
Pros: Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund, Easy to import documents, Fast
You don’t have to be an accountant to professionally do your taxes. Just have your expense records organized and it takes you through it. Be prepared that the software does a review of your taxes in the end so you have less of an audit risk and fixing the errors at times can get a bit confusing but you’ll get through it and at a fraction of the cost of hiring an accountant!
H&R Block software was easy to install and very easy to use. It walked me through everything I needed to include. Filing was also very easy. I highly recommend.
I have used this program for years - mostly because of the "legacy" convenience. Even the full-featured version does NOT populate all of the forms you might need - a serious drawback for us amateurs out there. If it gets any more expensive, I am switching to a real CPA.
Premium is supposed to be for self-employed. I'm a stock trader with thousands of buy/sell orders across several exchanges. I should be able to import the excel files directly as form 8849, not to input them line by line.