Most of the questions are straight forward and they tell you where to look for a particular entry or dollar amount if you aren't sure. If you are self employed, you really need to be diligent about keeping records of expenses, a mileage book in your car, etc. Home office? You need to keep track of your utilities for the year and be able to calculate what percentage of your home in square feet is your actual office. Investment monies? It goes thru all that too from your 1099-DIV and 1099-R's, etc. Medical expenses can be a deduction too, so keep track of those throughout the year too. The H&R block software covers everything, so you don't need to be an accountant to understand how to do your taxes.
I have been using this software for many years (self employed business owner) and have found it to be thorough and reliable. It is easy to use and is very accurate. Good product!
Pros: Easy to prepare, Easy to import documents, Fast
The software was easy to install and imported my data from last year accurately. It followed a logical method of entering information. However, at times it was confusing. The main reason I chose this software was because it could import my mutual fund information, which is complex and thus a real pain to enter by hand. It did import the information, but there were two places it called for me to import--under dividends and again under sales. It was unclear whether I needed to import each separately, and I ended up with duplicate entries, which would have raised my taxes had I not caught it. Then at the end, when I went through the scan for accuracy and issues, it brought up several items out of context, so that I had no idea whether the number was an error or accurate. So while I appreciate the software, I did not find it to be particularly intuitive or user-friendly for more complicated returns.