I thought the software was so so, OK, but after spending much time on my return, got to the very end only to find I couldn't e-file because the software can't efile a Form 3800. I will not use Block software again.
My 2018 return did not file electronically as I thought it had. In January 2019 IRS advised they had received my check for 2018, but no return, so I mailed a hard copy. My electronically submitted 2019 return was rejected by IRS. REASON: The 2018 AGI did not match! Frustrated I simplified the process by again mailing a hard copy for 2019!
I have used H&R Block for a number of years and it is always easy to understand, has updates when needed, and explains everything that you are doing. Definitely better than the competition.
Pros: Easy to prepare
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Suggestion for improvement
on April 9, 2020
Posted by: Doc7401
Great product! One suggestion for improvement has to do with rental properties. If the user has more than one property it is easy to lose track which one they are entering data for. When entering income and/or expenses for each property have the name or address of the property listed at the top. That way there is no confusion which property the user is currently working with.
I purchased the program and started to use it and found 2 areas that did not show up when doing the tax. #1 Had to get an IT person to set up for updates of the program
#2 Form for Heating Credit did not show up that is MI1040CR7 Had to go to the IRS menu to get form and fill form out by hand. I will have to consider to purchase this program next year.