Overall Tax Cut is great however I ran into one issue on my daughters return where she doesnt live in a home used as rental and system wasnt allocating interest and taxes 100% to Schedule E - I had to go deep into the forms to find it and adjust - in other words some of the interview items were suppressed
Cumbersome to review or to do in "bits and pieces" as info arrives. Excellent if completely organized and do taxes in one sitting --- but that's hard to do
Given my taxes are moderately complex, this software missed calculating two important items. Having missed them the audit at the end caught them and they were corrected, but the software which has in the past guided me through filing, failed to do so in this case.
It is as close to being as idiot-proof as one can expect. It walks the user through each step making suggestions when appropriate. I really like the deduction “wizard” that evaluates the donated property. The price is reasonable, navigation is intuitive.