Customer Reviews for H&R Block Tax Software Deluxe 2024 - Windows, Mac OS [Digital]
Customer Rating
Great Software Package
on February 19, 2019
Posted by: Dakota7595
from Clarksville, TN
This Year's software was easy to install and completing my taxes were simple.
Pros: Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund, Easy to import documents, Fast
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Works great
on February 19, 2019
Posted by: Krautsaur
I have been using for years and it makes taxes so much easier.
Pros: Easy to prepare
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Straight forward.
on February 19, 2019
Posted by: dons931
from Westerville, OH
I use the software to do my taxes and my Sister's and my Son's. The thorough step by step method is easy and comprehensive. I use 3 of the 5 free Federal filings. We print and mail the state returns to avoid the filing fees.
Pros: Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund, Easy to import documents, Fast
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Excellent and easy
on February 19, 2019
Posted by: Mdb1950
from Texas
I have been using it for over a decade and love the software.
Pros: Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund, Easy to import documents, Fast
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
on February 19, 2019
Posted by: lippsjj
from Cincinnati, Ohio
I found it easy and quick to use. Took less than one hour.
Pros: Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund, Fast
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Excellent. Easy. No issues till now
on February 19, 2019
Posted by: snash02
from ga
Software Issue: Driver license number & expire date were imported from prior yr HRB return, but Lic had expired before the prior year was imported into 2018 HRB software which did not flag the expired date as an issue. The Fed return was completed and the State return was begun. When attempting to efile the State return, I was prompted to enter my DL# and expire date. I entered my NEW DL # and NEW expire date. This new DL expire date was compared to the expire date on the Fed Return and efile was blocked pending resolution to the disparity in dates, but the DL# difference was not flagged. I manually corrected the Fed worksheet (whole Form) with the new DL number & new expire date, which cured the expire date issue, but I did not notice that the new DL number was not carried to the State return, which continued to show the expired DL# from the prior year import. I did not notice the DL# disparity since it had not been flagged. Bottom Line: State was filed with an expired DL number but an accurate updated expire date. The DL # was different on Fed & State Returns, and not flagged as an issue. This potential issue was discovered only after both returns were successfully filed and accepted. Hope my State refund will not be delayed by the DL number issue.
Pros: Easy to prepare, Easy to import documents
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Messed up Energy credits
on February 19, 2019
Posted by: JustWentSolar
from Lansing, MI
10 years of great results and then this year I take credit for solar panels and Federal and State returns are rejected, all because software has a glitch. 2 weeks later the glitch is supposed to be fixed and I file again. Keeping my fingers crossed. With the Federal shutdown, I am now filing after millions of others have filed. Sarcastically, I can't wait to see if it worked and how long my refund will take.
Pros: Maximizes refund
Cons: Time consuming, Hard to prepare
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Great Features
on February 19, 2019
Posted by: Deb1214
from Binghamton, NY
I use this program every year. Makes filing so easy.