Customer Reviews for H&R Block Tax Software Deluxe 2024 - Windows, Mac OS [Digital]
Customer Rating
on February 15, 2019
Posted by: No they come after me
from NY
Had to wait 10 days for updates, my thought is that if I buy the program at the date I start is the same day I should finish. Not having the rules change as I try to complete the forms. Maybe not your fault but it sure shouldn’t be mine either. Recommend to a friend - not sure
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Easy to use
on February 15, 2019
Posted by: Michael216
from Strongsville, OH
Buy it early and get a discount. Super easy interview format. Sets you up for easy transition year to year by importing previous year's return.
Pros: Easy to prepare, Easy to import documents
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Software BUG still exists
on February 15, 2019
Posted by: USMCEGA
from Huntsville
I have used this for several years. The BUG is still there. The software does not send the Form 8606 for my wife. I can go into the software forms and find her completed form. It does not print with the final forms for my copy. It prints my 8606 only - not hers. It does not transmit her 8606 to the IRS. I verified that with the IRS in previous years. This year my wife had a direct rollover. The software asked all the pertinent questions. But, when I print the form separately, there is nothing there about the rollover. I'm not sure that it should be, but it did not allow me to enter the total value of her IRA, etc.. It appears something is wrong with the way it handles the SPOUSE Form 8606. I have to complete that form and mail it to the IRS each year. I reported this today via CHAT.
Pros: Easy to prepare, Easy to import documents, Fast
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Staying with a great product!
on February 15, 2019
Posted by: Caro41
from Lewisville,Tx
I have used this product each year due to ease of inputing my information and explanations on each page. When I find a great product I stay loyal to it. I figure, "if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it". A great product!!!
Pros: Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund, Easy to import documents, Fast
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Very Simple
on February 15, 2019
Posted by: mjrcmoi
My taxes were easy this year but the product provides clear guidelines as to how to fill out the various forms.
Pros: Easy to prepare
Cons: Hard to import documents
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Great program, easy to use
on February 15, 2019
Posted by: MykolNC
from Greensboro, NC
The only problem I had was a delay due to the GOV'T getting final forms to H & R Block in mid February. After update, 30 minutes to complete, file and print.
Pros: Easy to prepare, Fast
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Ok but 2 years of SW update issues
on February 15, 2019
Posted by: feot
from Cleveland, OH
I have used this SW for last 8 years or more of taxes. Very intuitive and generally bug free except for last 2 years. The SW updates will run through but it won't recognize that you just updated on subsequent SW openings. You can run through as many times as you like but it will just say there's another update available (assume it's trying the same as what you just updated). I have to actually go to the download site from original purchase and reinstall which fixes it until there's another update available...then the process starts over again. This year I had a Geothermal energy credit and the only choices were for Solar in the interview. Had to manually edit the form. If they can get this pesky SW update issue fixed I would be comfortable recommending it to others.
Pros: Easy to prepare
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
2018 Tax H&R Block Program Review
on February 15, 2019
Posted by: BW1234
from Lewes, DE
All was well until I submitted my efile. Feds rejected it because the 2017 AGI that I used had been amended. I didn't realize that I needed to use the original AGI amount from the original 2017 and not the amended 2017 AGI.. The program should have known that the 2017 return was amended and it should have brought over the proper original AGI amount to the 2018 return. I was able to correct the 2017 amount and resubmitted and it was accepted.