They get the big thing right - my return doesn't have software-created errors. But for the second year in a row, printing does not work in the Mac version. Last year I found a work-around online, on a third-party site. This year, I could at least print it to a pdf and the PDF would print.
I have been using the H&R Block tax software for 15+ years. I am pleased with most items. Having been an international traveler for parts of 7 years, I would like to see the software provide better help with claiming Foreign Tax Credits or Claiming the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion. The software supports these two items, but in a limited capacity. An enhanced program option, for a few extra dollars, would be a nice option.
I've used the software for the last several years with good results. However, I need something less complicated to work through. since I don't use the options for deductions.
It was an easy process to complete and file taxes. I still prefer using a CD for installation, but will get by with the download version. I have been using the Block programs since the mid 1990s
Easy to use, has very helpful advice. Could be a little easier to add a late tax form you received. I like to start my tax returns early at times I get a 1099 mid to late Feb and have to go back to add it in.