Customer Reviews for H&R Block Tax Software Deluxe 2024 - Windows, Mac OS [Digital]
Customer Rating
Great program
on February 10, 2019
Posted by: Mnscott
from Corpus Christi, TX
Easy to use. Best refund ever. Thanks. I couldn' beat the price either.
Pros: Easy to install, Easy to fix issues, Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund, Easy to import, Fast
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Simple to use and easy to understand.
on February 10, 2019
Posted by: bp4evr
from Ohio
I have been using H&R block Deluxe for many years. I feel to comfortable to switch to anyone else.
Pros: Easy to install, Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund
Cons: Time consuming
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
AWESOME experience :)
on February 11, 2019
Posted by: mama2
from Union, MO
This was very user friendly & took me through the whole process in no time. Thanks H&R Block!! :)
Pros: Easy to install, Easy to fix issues, Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund, Fast
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
got billed twice
on February 11, 2019
Posted by: dirtdobber
from Hartselle ,Al
I downloaded the program. I have been using your software for many years with no problem. On this years filing I was billed twice and sent two activation codes. I used the first code and did my return. when attempting to e-file the first code would not work and the second did. I have only used this for my taxes and am very upset at being billed twice. Also can't find any way to contact anyone to try and get this straightened out. Like I said for many years I haven't had any problems. Now that I have one access to some support would be helpful. Everyone makes mistakes it's how you handle those mistakes that's important. So far you are dropping the ball for me.
Pros: Easy to prepare
Cons: Hard to fix issues
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Quick and Easy
on February 11, 2019
Posted by: Convert 2018
from Wash DC
Took me just a few minutes to complete my way through both my Fed & State returns. E-filed my Fed & mailed my state. Less time it took for me to open & read the tax instructions from the state.
Pros: Easy to install, Easy to prepare
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Complete package
on February 11, 2019
Posted by: FHeims
from Clarksville, Tennessee
I have used H&R Block for several years and am always pleased. The step-by-step process makes it easy to enter data and the "learn more" quick link on each topic brings you directly to the help topic you are currently on explains the topic at an easy to understand level. Great product and a great price...
Pros: Easy to install, Easy to fix issues, Easy to prepare, Maximizes refund, Easy to import, Fast
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
You can't beat it!
on February 11, 2019
Posted by: John Andrew
from Florida
Once again, I completed and filed my tax return quickly and without any glitches. I gave up on Turbo Tax years ago when they removed certain schedules from their Deluxe edition. H&R Block never did this so I made the switch. I'm glad I did.
Pros: Easy to install, Easy to prepare
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting HRBlock
Customer Rating
Federal fine, state messed up
on February 11, 2019
Posted by: wat01
from KY
I noticed our payment was larger than I thought it should be. Decided to do my state using your calculations from 1040. Found you only took the deduction for my wife on schedule M and left my off completely. In KY you only pay state tax on retirement income that exceeds 31110 for each filer unless you qualify for more on schedule P. Disappointed I had to manually figure and could not go back on H & R software and make changes. Ended up instead of paying over $1000 in taxed owed I am getting back $502. Not good! Guaranteed best return???
Pros: Easy to install, Easy to prepare
Cons: Time consuming, Doesn't maximize refund, Hard to fix issues