I've used H&RB tax software for at least the last ten years, but the last two years (2022 & 2023) have been nightmares for me to use. In the past, I've always been able to electronically file my returns, but the last wo years H&RB has put up so many data roadblocks for taxpayers that I could not "solve" for your algorithm, that I was forced to print out my returns and snail-mail them to the IRS. I've always done my tax returns the same way every year, but it suggests to me that H&RB does not now want to be responsible for ANY returns that might have a mistake or two in them - real, debatable or imagined; so by forcing taxpayers to print-out and send them in on their own, you have effectively washed your hands of any legal responsibility for any potential "mistakes" by taxpayers - real, debatable or imagined Right?
My federal return was easy to do. The California state return had poorer documentation and some ambiguity and "A miracle happens here" in some sections.
After trying a different brand of tax software in 2022 I came back to my long time brand, HR Block. It's just much easier and more clear to understand. I'll be sticking with them now. Not to mention it's cheaper!