Since I’ve done my taxes manually in the past, I pretty much know the context behind some of the interview questions, which makes answering them much easier. My son, however, has more difficulty, having none of the background knowledge. Some of the interview questions need more explanation.
After many years of buying H&R BASIC, I bought Deluxe this year since I knew I would have issues with an "Underpayment Penalty" calculation as most of my income was in November and December. Unfortunately, Deluxe did not handle the calculations for me and I had to again do all the time-consuming calculations manually as I have had to do with Basic.
I doubt I'll buy your product again. I had a terrible time reading the screen and didn't see any way to make the type larger. I know my close vision is much worse after my recent cataract surgery, but none of the aids I bought helped make the type large enough to read easily. If you would fix this, I would buy again. Remember, not all of us are in our 20s.
Except for at night handling limited partnership K-1 it's fine but I would've thought with the deluxe package it would be able to do that. If that's not fixed I'm going to find other software for the next tax year.