I’ve had this backpack for over a year now and it’s been on many different travels with me. I love it’s versatility as it adapts easily to very different needs. Quality of materials and construction is impeccable and the attention to even tiny details make this my favorite backpack of all time!
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting Peak Design
Customer Rating
Thoughtfully Designed, Really Good Backpack
on January 17, 2022
Posted by: James
from New Jersey
There are so many little touches that make this a great backpack. I actually had to watch the YouTube video they emailed me shortly after I received the bag to learn about most of them.
Holds everything I need for the work day (computer repair technician) and then some. Much better than dropping everything I own in the parking lot and struggling with my keys every day. Feels premium. Works great.
My only complaint is that the tag with the serial number is borderline impossible to read. It's a very minor gripe, but I'm unsure how I'm supposed to read the tag without just tearing it out of the pocket. I'd really like to register the warranty, although the overall durability of the bag makes me doubt that I'll need it.
Written by a customer while visiting Peak Design
Customer Rating
훌륭한 수납기능,그리고 자신만만한 소재의 고급스러움,너무나도 편리한 기능
on January 18, 2022
Posted by: riwook
from seoul
나는 이것을 두달전에 샀는데 너무 만족하고 있다 거의 매일 이가방을 사용하고 지금까지 내가 사용한 백팩 중에 가장 만족하고있다 수납공간도 너무 훌륭하고 평상 사용시 편리함에 만족하고있다.
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting Peak Design
Customer Rating
Awesome backpack for cameras and such!
on January 20, 2022
Posted by: Tootie
from Arkansas
I got this backpack and have been on numerous hikes with it. Camera, snacks, clothes, water, etc etc… this bag is totally legit. My most extreme hike thus far has been in Maine. 2021, hiked both Penobscot and Sergeant MTN in one day, in a snow storm. All my stuff stayed dry, and intact.
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting Peak Design
Customer Rating
The Only BAG you NEED!
on January 21, 2022
Posted by: Deson
from Philippines
Well, this bag is my new best friend. I should have discovered Peak Design sooner. But all good, they worth the money because of the quality of the products.
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting Peak Design
Customer Rating
Very easy to use
on January 22, 2022
Posted by: mic
from Tokyo
It is possible to insert α7S III, two lenses, RSC2, and sometimes an iPad. It's easy to take out the camera and lens, and it's sturdy and perfect.
Written by a customer while visiting Peak Design
Customer Rating
Great backpack
on January 23, 2022
Posted by: Bev
from West Chester PA
I bought this backpack after a lot of research and I’m still learning a lot about it. It has so many options and compartments. My only complaint is I can’t remember where I put things there’s so many places LOL
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting Peak Design
Customer Rating
Super utile
on January 25, 2022
Posted by: Bruno
from Chambly, france
C’est un sac responsable,très complet et super utiles avec ses multiples rangements