Got this because we had a regular coffee maker and wanted to be able to use pods occasionally. The coffee maker doesn’t seem to brew hot enough for our liking and there is no adjustment for this. Also, when the warmer turns off, there’s no way to manually turn it back on.
This Kurieg works great. Easy to use, great features (extra hot, extra strong) are perfect and the water reservoir is large and easy to fill. I like that it has a 12 ounce size.
I’ll start that this may be a great solution for others, but it isn’t working for me. I’m disappointed with the “quality” of the product, because at the price point, I had expectations of more substantial parts. This unit is best described as having a “chintzy” feel. However, my biggest complaint is the warming plate 2 hour hold time for the pot warmer. This device replaces a Cuisinart dual brewing unit (with grinder) and that unit had a 4 hour warmer which better fit our household needs for the morning based on wake up times. Generally, we start the day with a pot of ground beans brewed then transition to K-Cups through the day/evening. So, this unit fits part of our needs but I’m not completely sold on the value. I wish the warmer time had been shared in the description which would have driven me to select a K-Cup only option and complimented with a drip brewer more aligned to my specific needs and quality expectations.