I did a lot of word of mouth research into mattresses when I was looking to buy. So i talked to a bunch of friends and friends of friends till i came across one that had a Tuft and Needle never heard of it in any of my searches. Went on the page ans found NO fluffy. Instead I found brake downs and side by side comparison of their different mattresses and pros and cons of each one. I loved the priced, how easy it was, and how fast it got here.. The mattresses is amazing it is very comfy and exceeded my expectations.
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting Tuft & Needle
I have completed three nights of sleep on my new "Mint" mattress from Tuft & Needle. While ordinarily I do not sleep well on a strange mattress or bed, I slept as well as or better than on my old mattress from the very first night, and my experience continues to improve with each night. It provides more and better support than my old inner-spring mattress, and feels more substantial. There has been some chemical smell from the 'outgassing' but it was only a significant issue on the first evening and is rapidly dissipating. The delivery and installation was professional and trouble-free (I opted for 'white-glove' treatment as I would have had difficulty maneuvering the mattress by myself). Overall, this is a very strong start to what I hope will be a long and restful experience. My sole complaint is that it does not actually smell like mint-- not that I really expected it to!
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting Tuft & Needle
We are really enjoying our new Tuft and Needle mattress. I no longer wake-up in the morning with an aching back. Well worth the price, easy to set up and we both sleep better.
I would recommend this to a friend!
Written by a customer while visiting Tuft & Needle