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enzso's Reviews
<< 1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 34 >>
Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Good Movie
on September 3, 2016
Posted by: enzso
Verified Purchase:Yes
Thought I'd give a western a try plus who doesn't like Kris Kristofferson? It's a pretty good story and it definitely kept my interest. I would have liked t see Constance Brenneman (the wife) a bit more. She's such a good actress. If you haven't seen a western in a while, get this.
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Great Movie
on September 3, 2016
Posted by: enzso
Verified Purchase:Yes
Excellent concept to completion. Slick editing and awesome job capturing the essence of the era. Cheadle did great! Especially considering the time involved and the hurdles he had to maneuver to bring a Miles Davis story to the big screen. This was not a biop (so 'purist' can save their criticism) but a thoroughly entertaining version of the man and the myth of Miles Davis.
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Great Movie
on August 27, 2016
Posted by: enzso
Verified Purchase:Yes
This is one of Mr. Eastwoods best - it is a very good story, how a reporter goes after the truth - even with the newspaper he works for does not really back hime up - acutally he fights the whole legal system to help this prisoner out it is a real nail biter so get your popcorn ready, lock the doors
and sit back and watch the true master of the cinema work his magic!!!
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Great Movie
on August 27, 2016
Posted by: enzso
Verified Purchase:Yes
This is a story about the legendary STUDIO 54. Very good story and the film serves it justice. This is how all the dance clubs seem to begin with 54 being a role model for their success. Terrific soundtrack loaded with great songs and memories. The cast could not have done better. You should check this film out and watch it dozens of times, it's worth it!
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Great Movie
on August 27, 2016
Posted by: enzso
Verified Purchase:Yes
I will say I enjoyed this film just as much as the original film! It had the great acting, suspenseful plot and again the phenomenal original score.You honestly can't say that about many sequels, but I will say this one doesn't fail at all! If you enjoyed the original Jaws, then you are sure to enjoy this film as well!
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Great Movie
on August 27, 2016
Posted by: enzso
Verified Purchase:Yes
This movie was a very big surprise. The acting was intense by Costner and Oldham, and it represented a tangible comeback role for Tommy Lee Jones. Suspenseful, well thought-out and meaningful in its plot.
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Great Movie
on August 20, 2016
Posted by: enzso
Verified Purchase:Yes
So intense and well-made in every department. Horrific, funny, disturbing, engaging,'s been in my mind since I saw it four days ago. I can't wait to see it again. I loved Blue Ruin but felt the ending wasn't as strong as the rest of the film. Green Room on the other hand is more consistently excellent from beginning to end. The cast is great, the cinematography is beautiful, the writing and directing are brilliant, the editing is fast-paced, the use of sound and music are effective, the art direction/set design is claustrophobic, the violence is realistic and shocking. The more I think about it, the more I realize how smart and subversive it is.
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
4 out of 5
Good Movie
on August 20, 2016
Posted by: enzso
Verified Purchase:Yes
favorite steven seagal, puts in another good performance; we await his showing up for the kumite challenge in hong kong
v. strong greats as superfoot, chuck, Jackie chan, jet li and sonny chiba and tong po - the challenge skirt fighters (aikido)
vs real kung fu and real karate ...
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Great Movie
on August 20, 2016
Posted by: enzso
Verified Purchase:Yes
Amazing documentary about an authentic, genuine Hero. It is a rarity in today's society to find such a young man with the integrity of an old soul. There was a reason why Michael P. Murphy was the man he was-a solid belief in the greater good instilled in him by his parents. True to his beliefs, he unselfishly sacrificed his life for the love/respect of his fellow soldiers. A must see for any generation. Lt. Michael Murphy has followed in the footsteps of our WWII, Korean and Vietnam soldiers in his level of patriotism and professionalism.
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Customer Rating
5 out of 5
Great Movie
on August 20, 2016
Posted by: enzso
Verified Purchase:Yes
I was a fan of the movie in the theaters and I am a bigger fan of the ultimate edition. Like so many, I myself did feel slightly confused at the version shown in the theater because quite a few things didn't make sense and some of the story was just a bit confusing. I'm glad to say that the Ultimate Edition clarifies most of the confusion and is a much better story to tell. Looking forward to Justice League now and looking forward to what other DC Projects are to come.
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
My Best Buy number: 0106309427
I would recommend this to a friend!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
<< 1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 34 >>
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