The program calculates my data and places the values into the proper forms, along with ample updates periodically to maintain integrity. Would prefer they expand their bank/credit union lists to download 1099 forms so easy as with the ones currently offered.
I have been using H$R Block Deluxe for a very long time and was disappointed with it for the first time with the 2023 software. There was an error in the federal software that dealt with Inherited IRA withdrawals. Your software was incorrectly claiming it was not taxable. It took a long time for it to be corrected even though I, and others, basis online comments, reported it multiple times. This was always correct in previous years so there was no reason for the error or the amount of time it took to correct it. In addition, I found a major error when I downloaded the Iowa tax software. Iowa had major tax law changes go into effect in 2023 that included NOT taxing any retirement income if you are over 55 and your software did not reflect this. Why would you release the state software without checking it? I have lost trust in your software and question what, if any, quality control systems you have in place. I saw one online comment that I have become to believe. It stated that you really on feedback from early users to be your quality control.
Been using this software for many, many years. It walks you through step by step and as long as you read each category you will never miss anything. Easy to file electronically. Definitely recommend!
Electronic filing kept kicking the return out with an odd error - support kept me on the line for an hour without resolving the issue. I asked - what if I chose to PAY additional for the "free" included filing - would I be refunded instantly? I was told yes. Turns out, every time I attempted to file, it charged me for the State e-flile (not included) + one time for the Fed filing. It took weeks to resolve & reverse the fees, nowhere "instant" the support promised.