This product works well. Easy to adjust. The stand makes it very easy to set out of the way and use minimal floor space. Plus they are raised of the floor. My wife and I can both enjoy using them as they adjust through a wide range of weight choices. Glad I finally purchased them. #sweepstakes
Pros: Comfortable, Durable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, Quiet, Strengthens
I have always liked the Bowflex I bought ages ago but to my surprise I immediately prefer using these dumbbells for most of my upper body work out. #sweepstakes
Pros: Comfortable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, Quiet
I purchased these weights to increase my strength capabilities in an easy and compact way. They are big, but the work for my purposes. Made well and ergonomic.
Pros: Comfortable, Durable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use