I have been waiting for my loved ones to buy me this gift for over 10 years now. I finally decided to purchase them on my own and I haven't been disappointed. The flexibility of different workouts I can finally do at home is a welcomed and mich needed challenge.
I love these dumbbells, because now I don't need over 30 different dumbbells - only the 2 of the SelectTech 552 dumbbells. They are very easy to use and the range of weights is perfect.
Pros: Durable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use
Bought the dumbbells and stand. Very high quality!
on June 29, 2021
Posted by: Doug
from Brentwood, Ca
Verified Purchase:Yes
Great products. Very handy, workout with my son and had spin lock dumbbells prior to the Bowflex and it was very time consuming changing the weight after every set. These are a game changer for us.
Pros: Comfortable, Durable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, Quiet
I use this product about once-three times per week. They are nice for nights in which I feel like doing low weight with high rep exercise, high weight with lower rep exercise, and anything in between.
I like the dumbells overall. Having a pair that goes from 5# to 52.5# is very convenient and space saving. I wish they didn't have so many plastic parts but for the price I guess it is what it is. #sweepstakes
Pros: Comfortable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use