I've read many comments that the discs which clasp on the weights tend to bend and morph over time which is understandable but I wish it was another material.
Pros: Comfortable, Durable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use
These dumbbells are so practical. Great quality, perfect weight selection, easy to use and to store. I couldn't believe it when I received the email saying they were available! Highly recommend.
Pros: Comfortable, Durable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, Quiet, Strengthens
As a natural bodybuilder, I appreciate these dumbbells for the days I don't have a chance to travel to the gym. I'll also look forward to having them as a backup for the gym should they close indefinitely again. I'd consider a home gym a MUST, and this set is one of the key ingredients. Much appreciated! They're a definite upgrade from the "boxy" set I used to own about 20 years ago.
Pros: Comfortable, Durable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, Quiet, Strengthens