This item is great for your home/gym. Makes increasing/decreasing weights easy and fast allowing you to continue a high intensity workout without a lot of time in between sets.
Pros: Comfortable, Durable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, Quiet, Strengthens
I would recommend this to a friend!
Response from nautilus.comBy bowflexpwr, bowflexpwr, April 21, 2022
Very satisfied only time will tell with durability, but if holds up I can't think of a similar product that is better. On the negative end my wife had issue using it due the the length.
Pros: Comfortable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, Quiet
Great product that fulfills on what it was designed to do
on February 11, 2021
Posted by: Zach-man
from Alexandria, VA
Verified Purchase:Yes
I use this product five days a week. Using standard dumbbells was taking up a lot of space, and I was also maxed out at 20 lbs per dumbbell with nothing else available to buy during the first 9 months of COVID. This product goes above and beyond in almost every category. It's well made, easy to use, easy to set up. The only thing I don't like about it is how bulky it can be. And this is only a minor inconvenience for a couple exercises. Very happy with this product, and it is making a big impact on the quality of my workouts.
Pros: Comfortable, Durable, Easy Storage, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, Quiet, Strengthens
dumb bells are great, easy to use. a little bulky and storage/placement of them is slightly difficult. i would buy them again. Prior to COVID i was going to the gym 4-5 days a week for 45-60 min. i like to stay fit and active and the dumb bells are a GREAT addition to the home work out room