My wife purchased the dumbbells, stand, and bench for me as a gift. They are well built, easy to use, and they allow you to work your entire body. The extra space that I gained by getting rid of my old dumbbells was a definite plus.
I have been using the selectech 552 dumbbells for over a few weeks and found them to be a great tool to my gym. I am able to move from one exercise to another with ease. The only fear I have is how easily the dumbbells make break if dropped frome even a low level.
Pros: Compact, Durable, Easy To Use, Multifunctional, Targets Muscles
Love the simplicity, and ease of use of this product. Dialing in the weight is smooth and its awesome having all that capabillity in one compact space.
Pros: Compact, Durable, Easy To Use, Multifunctional
I was always looking for the perfect seperate dumbbell set, but didn't want to spend a thousand or more. I played with the the Bowflex in stores first and was so-so on the size. After a year, I reluctantly bought the Bowflex set - thinking that I would send it back if I didn't like it. Boy was I surprised how much I liked the set - it is a great piece of equipment. The size is perfect because it forces you to keep proper form in every exercise. Even though I thought I knew how to use dumbbells, I picked up a few new methods in the DVD that actually worked better for me! I am extremely happy with the set and it even looks great in my living room where I exercise while watching TV - much nicer than the loose dumbbells I had laying on the floor!
Pros: Compact, Durable, Easy To Use, Multifunctional, SWEEEEEET, Targets Muscles
Product is of good quality and is easy to use.Obviously not as versatile as a rack of dumbbells, but much more economical and easy to store. Hand grip is a bit uncomfortable at first, but one becomes accustomed to it.
Pros: Compact, Durable, Easy To Use, Targets Muscles
I love them, i use them for my chalean extreme workouts 5 days a week!! So much better than having different weights for everything!! I love how they save so much space!! Would recommend these to anyone!!!
Pros: Compact, Durable, Easy To Use, Multifunctional, Targets Muscles
I am very impressed by the dumbbells that are extremely efficient to use. I can advance from one exercise to another with different weight requirements in a smooth fashion without loss of time. The dumbbells are quite comfortable to handle, and the high quality is apparent. I would highly recommend this equipment for anyone interested in keeping a toned body, but without a lot of time and space to achieve this.
Pros: Compact, Durable, Easy To Use, Multifunctional, Targets Muscles