I was gifted these weights by my wife - and they are awesome! I wanted the 1090s but after using the smaller sized ones for a while - they are perfect for my workout style. size is comparable to other block-style compact weight systems. These are perfect and the stand is the perfect size as well. if you're on the fence about price of the 1090s - the smaller size is worth the effort.
Pros: Compact, Durable, Easy To Use, Multifunctional, Targets Muscles
This product is great. I love that it does not take up hardly any space and functions as mutiple dumbells. I love that it is well made and very sturdy. The stand is a must have.
Pros: Durable, Easy To Use, Multifunctional, Targets Muscles
Posted by: Kristi the Extreme Workout Video Junkie
from Toledo, OH
Verified Purchase:Yes
Other than figuring out how to get the D-hook undone, I've had no problems with these weights. I love how easy they are to switch to lighter weight for the upper body and then heavier weight for the lower body with a few simple clicks. I don't have to worry about finding the weight I have is too much or not enough or the expense of multiple dumbbell sets. They were a little bigger in size than expected but not outlandish. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
Pros: Compact, Durable, Easy To Use, Multifunctional, Targets Muscles
This is an AWESOME weight set. Great value! all other systems were double the price and not the same quality. The space saving is awesome. It takes the space of two large dumbbells. A MUST buy!
Though a considerable investment, 'free-shipping' and a package-deal on purchasing several items at once off-set the cost somewhat. Bottom-line, you get what you pay for and this is an outstanding product worthy of the cost.
Pros: Compact, Durable, Easy To Use, Multifunctional
I've had a Bowflex Power Pro gym for approximately 10 years and now having added the dumbbells with stand and a 5.1 bench last month my "home gym" in the garage is perfect. I use the equipment most every day.
Pros: Compact, Durable, Easy To Use, Multifunctional, Takes Very Little Space, Targets Muscles